Like DDT and other pesticides, prescribed drugs, BPA plastics and other toxic contaminates, soy also contains active Endocrine Disruptors..... in fact soy contains multiple estrogenic endocrine disruptors as well as multiple natural toxins.....unlike the others, with soy you directly swallow this plant-toxin!
Endocrine disurptors interfere with entire body life sustaining hormone systems, and can cause adverse neurological, physiological and reproductive effects in humans and in wildlife. For decades scientific research confirms that endocrine disruptors, as are soy isoflavones, genistein, daidzein, and glycitein pose a greatest health risk during fetal, infant, and child developmental exposure, as body and brain hormone systems are most fragile.
Endocrine disruptors are proven to disrupt multiple brain neurotransmitter systems that control specific neuron (brain cell) functions responsible for complex behaviors such as; social interaction, language, communications, behavior, mood, cognition, learning, memory, emotions. Endocrine disruptors also severely antagonize reproductive and gender development, as well as thymus, thyroid, (immune system) development and in fact disrupt all hormone systems throughout the body and brain.
2004, NIH report, TL Guo reports, "Genistein, a soy isoflavone has been suggested to mediate biological function mainly as an endocrine disruptor...there are concerns about the long-term effects of this compound on human health, especially that of infants and young children."
1999 FDA Federal Register states, "GRAS status of soy did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysioalanine, nitrites, and nitrosamines, trypsin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavones."
The FDA maintains "soybeans, genistein, daidzein" on their "Poisonous Plant Database" without public disclosure.
It is a fact that there are several hundred published studies found on NIH Toxnet and Pubmed websites that overwhelmingly confirm that soy's endocrine disruptor actions and multiple plant-toxins dangerously interrupt multiple brain neurotransmitter systems as reported in the cause of autism, behavioral disorders, seizures, and more neurological disorders.
DANGER! Strike One: Maternal consumption of soy during pregnancy is proven to transfer soy toxins to developing fetus. Strike Two: Around 25% of infants in the USA are fed soy formula as entire dietary intake for several months. Few countries in the world will market soy infant formulas due to known toxic effects. Other countries will only allow soy infant formula with physician prescription, and careful physician follow-up due to the massive numbers of published studies concluding toxic effects. Beware, infant cereals and foods are additionally loaded with soy toxins, adding fuel to the fire. Strike Three: Maternal consumption of soy while breast feeding transfers soy toxins to infants....again!
HOW SOY PLANT-TOXINS DAMAGE THE BRAIN: Hundreds of published studies prove that soy plant-toxins disrupt normal development of multiple neurotransmitter systems, sever synaptic connectors, and cause a number of adverse cascading brain cell effects. Soy is repeatedly study proven to dangerously interrupt normal neurotransmitter levels of; vasopressin, oxytocin, dopamine, glutamate, choline, serotonin, and GABA that regulates brain cell excitotoxicity.
Functioning Neurotransmitter systems are critical in the development and maintenance of: Complex social and emotional behavior, Stress, Anxiety, Bonding, Communications, Cognition, Aggression, Recognition, and Memory. Adverse developmental manipulations of neurotransmitter systems result in deficits in social and behavioral processing that are also established in the cause of autism, and in fact multiple brain disorders.
Soy causation of hypothyroidism is also scientifically proven as related to cause damage to brain neurons, due to the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Soy studies conclude adverse effects caused to the thymus and thyroid, also encourage immune deficiency diseases.
Soy's phytic acid and heavy metals are known to adversely affect the developing brain by blocking essential absorption of necessary minerals directly involved in brain and body health.
Soy phytates are proven to cause gastrointestinal distress that commonly plagues autistic children.
Soy estrogenic hormone disruptors are also proven to adversely disrupt male and female reproductive systems. Known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis refers to the effects of brain hormones acting in cooperation with reproductive hormones. Soy hormone disruptors are, according to multiple study conclusions, a cause of severe and sometimes irreversible adverse reproductive effects.
Soy estrogenic hormone disruptors are also repeatedly study concluded to de-masculinize males, and de-feminize other words, cause irreversible homosexuality, and gender chaos.
Without public disclosure, the HHS Secretary Sebelius, NIH Director Collins, FDA Commissioner Hamburg, USDA Secretary Vilsack are in fact neglecting food laws, as well as the "Combating Autism Act," as they acknowledge massive published study evidence found throughout their NIH websites Toxnet, and Pubmed that repeatedly prove soy phyto-toxic causation of neurological, physiological, and reproductive disorders and disease.
It is long time past due that our USA health organizations dutifully and responsibly act according to USA laws, by posting legitimate soy WARNING labels, and WITHDRAW soy infant formulas, until soy phyto-toxins are proven as safe. To date, exposure to soy toxins is an undocumented HHS, NIH, FDA, USDA game of health roulette that remains deliberately withheld from public disclosure.
Below are examples of actual study evidence proving high risk factors involved in
the soy-causation of adverse neurological effects, including autism, and multiple behavioral disorders. The studies continue to conclude the cause of homosexuality, reproductive damage caused to both males and females, thyroid damage, cancers, and cancer metastasis.
Please care to continue reading actual study evidence proving soy-causation of autism, and multiple brain disorders and body diseases:
BRAIN: Evidence That Soy Estrogenic Endocrine
Disruptors Cause Adverse Brain Functions:
2005, As weak
estrogen agonists/antagonists with a range of other enzymatic activities, the
(soy) isoflavonoids provide a useful model to investigate the actions of endocrine
disruptors. Isoflavonoids act in vivo
through both ER (Estrogen Receptor) –alpha and ER-beta. Their neurobehavioral actions are largely
anti-estrogenic, either antagonizing or producing an action in opposition to
that of estradiol. Small, physiologically relevant exposure levels can alter
estrogen-dependent gene expression in the brain and affects complex behavior in
a wide range of species.
action in the adult and developing brain
2008, Endocrine
disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these
compounds may induce both short- and long-term deleterious effects. The EDCs examined included estradiol,
androgen, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. Effects on behavior and
hypothalamic neuroendocrine systems were examined. All EDCs impaired reproduction. Several hypothalamic neural systems proved to
be EDC responsive, including arginine vasotocin, catecholamines, and
gonadotropin releasing hormone system.
Exposure to EDCs during embryonic development has consequences beyond
impaired function of the reproductive axis.
Behavioral alterations reveal both direct and indirect effects of
exposure to EDC.
2008, Genistein, a phytoestrogen found abundantly in soy products stimulates brain protein synthesis rates. In the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and the hypothalamus, results suggest that dietary genistein elevates the rate of protein synthesis in the brain. Estrogen receptors of the brain are at least partly related to the rate of brain protein synthesis caused by genistein.
2002, Small doses of soy genistein or daidzein can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in brain and complex behavior
2001, Males fed the soy phytoestrogen diet had significantly higher phytoestrogen concentrations in a number of brain regions, (frontal cortex, amygdale & cerebellum); in frontal cortex, expression of calbindin (a neuroprotective calcium-binding protein) decreased, while COX-2 (an inducible inflammatory factor prevalent in Alzheimer’s disease) increased. Dietary phytoestrogens significantly sex-reversed the normal sexually dimorphic expression of the visual spatial memory (VSM). In females VSM was enhanced in males VSM was inhibited by the same phytoestrogen diet. Findings suggest that dietary soy derived phytoestrogens can influence learning and memory and alter the expression of proteins involved in neuro-protection and inflammation in rats.
1993, Estrogen exposure during critical periods of development promotes androgenization of the brain which is reflected in altered morphology, behavior, and cyclic hormone secretion in females. There is dose-response characteristics of neonatal exposure to the isoflavonoid phytoestrogen genistein on pituitary sensitivity to gonadotropin release in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in female rats. Results confirm that low doses of genistein have nonandrogenizing, pituitary-sensitizing effects, while higher doses of genistein mimic the more typical effects of estrogens. Morphologic and physiologic endpoints more completely defines the reproductive consequences of environmental (soy isoflavone genistein) estrogen exposure during critical periods of central nervous system development.
2005, Genistein-induced neuronal differentiation is associate with activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and upregulation of p21 and N-cadherin.
2010, Serious malformation and a higher abnormal frequency of the central nervous system were induced by the combination of BPA and Genistein. Our findings suggest that genistein is embryotoxic and teratogenic to humans. BPA alone may not be a potential teratogen, but these two estrogenic chemicals have a synergistic effect on emybryonic development when present together during the critical period of major organ formation. Pregnant women should not take soy supplements.
2003, Significant alterations in MBH-POA (medial basal hypothalamic preoptic area) and amygdale 5a-reductasee activities were detected in animals receiving the phytoestrogen-containing versus the phytoestrogen-free diets.
2002, Neurobehavioral effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens. These studies used a commercially available diet rich in phytoestrogens via a diet free of phytoestrogens. Results indicate that consumption of dietary phytoestrogens resulting in very high plasma isoflavone levels (many cases over a short interval of consumption) can significantly alter sexually dimorphic brain regions, anxiety, learning and memory.
2007, AVPV (essential part of neural pathways mediating hormonal feedback) neurons containing estrogen receptor-beta in adult male rats are influence by soy isoflavones. These findings provide direct evidence that consumption of soy isoflavones influence the loss of ERbeta-containing neurons in male anteroventral periventricular nucleus AVPV.
2009, Autism is probably attributable to a combination of a common genetic background and a possible prenatal exposure or alteration in fetal environment during pregnancy.
Soy Damage to Multiple Brain Neurotransmitter Systems: Neurotransmitters are chemicals that relay, amplify, and modulate signals between a neuron and another cell. Release of neurotransmitters is most commonly driven by arrival of an action potential at the synapse, or driven by electrical potentials. Neurotransmitters are divided into amino acids, peptides, and monoamines. Neurotransmitters activate “excitatory” and/or “inhibitory” receptors. However, some receptors that activate complex metabolic pathways that produce effects are neither excitatory of inhibitory.
Soy Inhibits GABA, A chief “Inhibitory” brain neurotransmitter, also plays an important role in the control of dopamine-mediated brain functions: Both are stated causes of autism, and both are caused by soy phyto-toxicity:
2007, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder . It is in agreement with the evidence of lower levels of GABA-A receptors in autistic brains, and joined by other variants could explain the autistic phenotype and its heterogeneity.
2007, Neurotoxic Effects of soy genistein and daidzein could be due to their inhibition of the GABA (A) receptor resulting in further enhancement of excitation by glutamate and leading to cellular damage. (GABA, Gamma-aminobutyric Acid. Inhibition of GABA can cause: anxiety disorders, panic attacks, seizure disorders, headaches, Parkinson’s Cognitive impairment, depression, bipolar, infertility, lowers insulin levels). and daidzein induce neurotoxicity at high concentrations in primary rat neuronal cultures
2007, Genistein and daidzein induce neurotoxicity at high concentrations in primary rat neuronal cultures. Soy isoflavones possess estrogen-like activity. Specifically genistein and daidzein are toxic to primary neuronal culture at high concentrations, indicating a significant cellular damage. Both genistein and daidzein increases intracellular calcium level (CA2)i, significantly. The toxic effect of soy genistein and daidzein could be due to their inhibition of the GABA(A) receptor resulting in further enhancement of excitation by glutamate and leading to cellular damage.
Soy Significantly
Increases VASOPRESSIN- causing adverse changes in social and emotional
communication, bonding, aggression, and anxiety as related to the cause of
2003, Soya isoflavone content of rat diet can increase anxiety and stress hormone release in the male rat. Rats fed the soy isoflavone diet spent significantly less time in active social interaction. The soy isoflavone group had significantly elevated stress induced corticosteroid concentrations. Stress-induced plasma vasopressin concentrations were also significantly elevated in the soy group compared to soy-free rats. Major changes in behavioral measures of anxiety and in stress hormones can result from soy isoflavone content in rat diet. These changes are as striking as those seen following drug administration.
2003, Dietary exposure to genistein increases vasopressin. Vasopressin was significantly elevated in the 1250ppm genistein group, consistent with known actions of estradiol. These data are consistent with known actions of estradiol and may explain our finding in a previous study that estrogenic endocrine disruptors such as genistein increased sodium preference in rats exposed to genistein in their diet.
2005, Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are nonsteroidal polyphenolic compounds with the ability to bind and activate nuclear estrogen receptors. Soy isoflavones act as transcriptional activators of estrogen receptors (ERs) in vitro. These effects are generally greater in the presence of ER-b, but significant activation through ERa is also observed. In the brain, soy diets and isolated phytoestrogens can also mimic estrogen-transcriptional actions. Soy isoflavones increases brain-derived neurotropic factor, and choline acetyl transferase mRNA levels in the frontal cortex, and increase vasopressin levels in the hypothalamus. Phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein and equol are all found in the brains of rat on high soy diets.
1979, Results: Androgen inhibition and estrogen stimulation of vasopressin levels. as related to: 2012, Estrogenic agents, soy isoflavones inhibit testosterone (androgen) production.
2004, Impaired vasopressin system is a strong candidates for involvement in autism susceptibility.
2010, Syrian hamsters on the phytoestrogen-rich diet also had lower vasopressin receptor expression in the lateral septum but higher vasopressin expression in the lateral hypothalamus indicating that altered behavior might result from changes within vasopressin signaling pathways. Similarly, male rats on genistein and daidzein displayed increased anxiety and elevated stress-induced plasma vasopressin and corticosterone levels. Male monkeys fed soy protein isolate containing 1.88mg isoflavones/g protein over 18 months demonstrated higher frequencies of intense aggressive and submissive behaviors as well as decreased time spent in physical contact with other monkeys. Phytoestrogens have widespread effects in the adult human brain which have been previously reviewed in detail elsewhere. Genistein stimulates ER (estrogen receptor) -beta mRNA expression in the PVN, (paraventricular nucleus), an effect opposite to that of 17b estradiol. PVN is primary site of oxytocin production. ER-alpha is required for the up-regulation of oxytocin. Consumption of prepared phytoestrogen supplement attenuated estrogen-dependent upregulation of oxytocin in the rat ventromedial nucleus
Soy Manipulates OXYTOCIN:
Oxytocin is critical for pair bonding, enhancing interpersonal trust, and the
ability to infer the emotions of others from facial cues. Studies suggest involvement of oxytocin in
the susceptibility of autism.
2011, Phytoestrogens have widespread effects in the adult human brain which have been previously reviewed in detail elsewhere. Genistein stimulates ER (estrogen receptor) -beta mRNA expression in the PVN, (paraventricular nucleus), an effect opposite to that of 17b estradiol. PVN is primary site of oxytocin production. ER-alpha is required for the up-regulation of oxytocin. Consumption of prepared phytoestrogen supplement attenuated estrogen-dependent upregulation of oxytocin in the rat ventromedial nucleus.
2001, Soy isoflavones antagonize reproductive behavior and estrogen receptor alpha and beta dependent gene expression in the brain. Soy diminishes the up-regulation of oxytocin receptor in the hypothalamus. There is significant decrease in receptive behavior probably due to anti-estrogenic soy effects in the brain.
2003, Genistein increased oxytocin, oxytocin receptor, and ERalpha mRNA.
Soy Adverse Effects on CHOLINE Or Catecholamine Neurotransmitter System: Is a transporter system for dopamine to norepinephrine networks related to higher cognitive functions such as attention, focus, and motor functions. ADHD is believed to result from abnormalities in the frontal regions of the brain particularly prefrontal cortex. Underpinning these abnormalities are disturbances of catecholamine neurotransmission.
1985, Pregnant rat
dams were fed a 5 or 2% soy lecithin preparation. Results indicate that dietary soy lecithin
preparation enrichment during development leads to behavioral and neurochemical
abnormalities in the exposed offspring.
1986, Previous work has shown that exposure of developing rats to soy lecithin preparations (SLP) influences macromolecular constituents of immature brain cells and causes abnormal behavior patterns. Both catecholamines were profoundly disturbed in an age-dependent, regionally-selective manner. Transmitter uptake capabilities were also affected by developmental exposure to SLP, as was tyrosine hydroxylase activity. The altered transmitter utilization rate reflected a change in impulse activity in the affected neuron populations, with promotion of activity in the midbrain + brainstem and reduced activity in the cerebral cortex. These data indicate that dietary supplementation with SLP throughout perinatal development alters synaptic characteristics in a manner consistent with disturbances in neural function.
1986, Results suggest that soy lecithin preparation exposure has a major effect on cholinergic synaptic development and reactivity, followed by secondary changes in other neurotransmitter pathways.
1999, Soy phytoestrogens may function as estrogen agonists in regulating (increasing) choline acetyltransferase and nerve growth factor mRNA’s in the frontal cortex and hippocampus in the brain of female rats.
2005, Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are nonsteroidal polyphenolic compounds with the ability to bind and activate nuclear estrogen receptors. Soy isoflavones act as transcriptional activators of estrogen receptors (ERs) in vitro. These effects are generally greater in the presence of ER-b, but significant activation through ERa is also observed. In the brain, soy diets and isolated phytoestrogens can also mimic estrogen-transcriptional actions. Soy isoflavones increases brain-derived neurotropic factor, and choline acetyl transferase mRNA levels in the frontal cortex, and increase vasopressin levels in the hypothalamus. Phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein and equol are all found in the brains of rat on high soy diets.
acetyltranserase forms the Choline Neurotransmitter System). Cholinergic systems are implicated in
numerous neurologic functions, and excess cholinergic neuron differentiation
can lead to aberrant brain development.
2008, Soy
phytoestrogens stimulate catecholamine synthesis via estrogen receptors, but in
high concentrations, phytoestrogens inhibit catecholamine secretion induced in
adrenal cells, and brain neurons.
Soy Causes
Dysfunctional DOPAMINE System: Derived from the amino acid tyrosine,
examples include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine, having important
physiological effects as neurotransmitters and hormones. Soy is established tyrosine inhibitor, thus
inhibits essential neuron systems.
Correlation exists
between dopamine and expression of cognitive capacities. Inadequate dopamine levels
contribute to cognitive impairment.
2001, Genistein inhibits protein tyrosine kinases that regulate dopamine function interfering with cellular signaling cascades that regulate neurotransmitter transporters in humans. These data provide several lines of evidence showing that PTK (Protein Tyrosine Kinases) inhibition rapidly reduces human dopamine transporter activity that controls levels of dopamine. This PTK’s represent cellular signaling cascades that acutely regulate neurotransmitter transports.
1995, Tyrosine kinases are abundant in the adult CNS. Soy genistein inhibits tyrosine kinases suggesting a changing role in neurotransmitter release caused by kinase-regulation of dopamine. Genistein increases endogenous dopamine release.
Soy genistein
significantly potentiated dopamine release in males. Genistein exposure may act similarly to estradiol
(potent estrogen) in augmenting dopamine release.
2003, Endogenous estrogen may play an important role in regulating the activity of dopamine neurons in mid-limbic systems, and that soy isoflavones exert an estrogen-like effect on the dopaminergic systems in the amygdale.
Soy Inhibits
Essential Enzyme, Tyrosine Kinase Related To Brain Dysfunction:
2002, NIH confirms that genistein is the active form of the soy isoflavone, genistin. It has both phytoestrogens, and has protein tyrosine kinase inhibiting properties that are involved in central nervous system regulation of neurotransmission inhibition by genistein. (Neurotransmission inhibition is a cause of multiple brain disorders to include autism. In this study, the NIH is looking for benefits, not the adverse developmental brain effects caused by soy isoflavone and tyrosine inhibition of neurotransmitters systems).
Kinase enzymes that specifically
phosphorylate tyrosine amino acids are termed tyrosine kinases.
tyrosine kinases (RTK)s are the high-affinity cell surface
receptors for many polypeptide growth factors,
cytokines, and hormones. Of the 90 unique tyrosine kinase genes identified in
the human genome, 58 encode receptor tyrosine kinase proteins. Receptor
tyrosine kinases have been shown to be key regulators of normal cellular
processes. Soy is a well-known inhibitor
of tyrosine kinases.
1997, The phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine residues is now recognized as having a critical role in regulating the function of mature cells. The brain exhibits one of the highest levels of tyrosine kinase activity in the adult animal and the synaptic reason is particularly rich in tyrosine kinases and tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. Involved in the regulation of synaptic function. Tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in the modification of synaptic activity. Changes in the activities of tyrosine kinases and or protein tyrosine phosphatases which are associated with synaptic structures leads to both short-term and long-lasting changes in synaptic and neuronal function.
Soy Is Established Tyrosine Kinases Inhibitor:
1991, Long-term
potentiation (related to learning and long-term memory) in the hippocampus is
blocked by tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as genistein. Tyrosine kinases
participate in a kinase network with serine and threonine kinases.
1993, We report that genistein, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, decreases tyrosine kinase activity and the content of phosphotyrosine proteins in cultured primary cortical neurons. Genistein inhibits protein synthesis by >80% in a dose-dependent manner and concurrently decreases ternary complex formation by 60%. Genistein depresses tyrosine kinase activity and concomitantly stimulates PKC activity. Protein tyrosine kinase participates in the initiation of protein synthesis in neurons.
(PKC, protein kinase is a group of calcium
and phospholipid-dependent enzymes, which plays a pivotal role in cell signaling
systems. Recently accumulated evidence indicates that alterations in PKC
activity play a significant role in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder.
More importantly, alterations in platelet PKC was shown in bipolar patients
during the manic state of the illness. In comparison to patients with major
depressive disorder,
schizophrenia, or healthy controls, PKC activity was significantly increased in
manic patients, suggesting that changes in PKC may be an illness-specific
marker. The alterations of PKC activity in bipolar disorder may be related to
changes in these other intracellular signaling mechanisms. Alternatively, the
changes of PKC activity may be the core pathology of the illness).
2001, Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, soy genistein, inhibits the glutamate-induced proliferation of astrocytes (which are important for many brain functions).
2003, Genistein inhibits glutamate release and Ca(2+) influx from hippocampal synaptosomes. Genistein, a broad range inhibitor of tyrosine kinases did inhibit the intracellular CA(2+) and decrease glutamate release evoked by a drug stimulus in a dose-dependent manner.
1998, Modulation of Ca2+ channel activity by protein kinases constitutes one of the major mechanisms regulating neuronal functions. PTK inhibitors on whole–cell Ba2+ currents (1Ba) were analyzed. Genistein and daidzein suppressed IBa. We estimated that specific PTK inhibition by genistein reduced 1Ba by 30%. Results suggest that the activity of neuronal Ca2+ channels can be modulated by protein tyrosine kinases in the nervous system that are mediated by Ca2+ channel modulation.
1998, Genistein and daidzein inhibited L-type Ca2+ current in young rat ventricular cells. We investigated the developmental differences in the effects of genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases on Ca2+ in neonatal and adult rats. Genistein inhibits the basal L-type Ca2+ in rat ventricular cells and the inhibition of L-type Ca2+ by genistein is greater in immature cells than in adult cells.
2005, Ca2+ and cAMP are important second messengers that regulate multiple cellular processes. Findings indicate highly coordinated interplay between Ca2+ and cAMP signaling in electrically excitable endocrine cells. (Evidence of cascading brain-damaging effects).
2002, A role for tyrosine kinase in expression of (long-term potentiation) LTP. Tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins occurs in both the presynaptic and postsynaptic areas. We report that LTP was associated with increased calcium influx and glutamate release. LTP is also associated with an increase in phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of calcium channels and ERK in synaptosomes prepared from dentate gyrus and these effects were inhibited when LTP was blocked by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. LTP was accompanied by increased protein synthesis and increased phosphorylation of CREB in entorhinal cortex, effects that were also blocked by genistein.
(Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a long-lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons that results from stimulating them synchronously. It is one of several phenomena underlying synaptic plasticity, the ability of chemical synapses to change their strength. Memories are thought to be encoded by modification of synaptic strength. LTP is widely considered one of the major cellular mechanisms that underlies learning and memory.
Soy inhibition of
tyrosine kinase results in multiple cascading brain-modifying effects proven to
disturb normal brain development and functions.
Another example: Nerve growth factor triggers a sequence of tyrosine
kinase-dependent phosphorylation steps that modulate glutamate (important excitatory
neurotransmitter important for learning and memory release) and calcium influx
having an impact on expression of long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus, of
which failure is due to soy inhibition of tyrosine kinase. Because of the hippocampus' well established
role in LTP, some have suggested that the cognitive decline seen in individuals
with AD may result from impaired LTP).
Soy Affects SEROTONIN:
Brain cell changes
are involved in the interplay between estrogen and serotonin’s effects on mood
and cognition. Serotonin functions are
implicated in depression, anxiety disorders, and some aspects of
2003, Soy and social stress affect serotonin neurotransmission in primates. Prescribed estrogens and soy phytoestrogen increased serotonin reuptake transporter that was accompanied by increased serotonin synthesis and neuronal firing.
2003, Conjugated equine estrogen (estrogen drug), and soy phytoestrogen increased serotonin. Increase in serotonin was accompanied by increased 5-HT synthesis and neuronal firing.
Soy Modifies BDNF- A family of proteins that induce the development, survival, and function of neurons. High levels contribute to seizures, epilepsy, and hyperalgesia or increase sensitivity to pain.
1999, Both estradiol and soy phytoestrogens significantly increased the mRNA levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) compared to controls in the frontal cortex of female rats.
2005, Estrogenic effects of soy isoflavones on neurons have been observed in various studies. Soy contains numerous phytochemicals including isoflavones, phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, saponins. Soy isoflavones are referred to as phytoestrogens because they bind to the estrogen receptors and affect estrogen-mediated processes. Soy isoflavones can exert both agonistic and antagonistic estrogenic effects, and have inhibitory effects on tyrosine kinase, topoisomerase and angiogenesis.
Soy can affect
synthesis of acetylcholine, and neurotrophic factors such as BDNF and nerve
growth factor in the brain of the female rat.
Frontal cortex choline acetyltransferase mRNA levels and BDNF were
significantly higher in rats receiving soy isoflavones.
DNA fragmentation was
detected in homogenates of brain tissue from rats receiving either dose
(2mg/day or 2mg/day) genistein.
Daidzein augments
nitric oxide (neurotransmitter of the vasodilator nerve) synthesis in the
basilar artery and increases contraction activity in the basilar arteries of
male rats.
Genistein can
modulate the dopaminergic system. The
pups of rats that consumed isoflavone containing genistein showed significant
increases in amphetamine-stimulated dopamine release in males. Genistein also inhibits dopamine uptake into
mouse striatal homogenates. Genistein
dose dependently suppresses dopamine transport.
Soy isoflavones
affect ChAT (choline acetyltransferase) expression and activity. ChAT mRNA
levels in soy isoflavones-treated rats were significantly higher in the frontal
Genistein decreases
the expression of GABAa receptors in the plasma membrane of rat cerebellar
granule cell bodies and dendrites, and inhibits GAMA-activated currents in
HEK293 cells.
It has also been
reported that glycine receptors are inhibited by genistein.
Soy isoflavones can
affect the viability of neurons and cognitive function by acting as an
estrogenic agonist and they can also utilize differential distribution and
regulation of ERa and ERb in the brain.
ERa is involved in mediating sexual and aggressive behavior, whereas, ERb
modulates emotional and cognitive behavior.
Protein tyrosine
phosphorylation is involved in various responses in the brain including
neuroregeneration, synaptic plasticity and neuronal injury. Genistein is known to inhibit tyrosine kinase
which is generally considered to be detrimental to a neuron. It was also reported that high concentrations
of genistein induced neuronal apoptosis in primary cortical neurons, blocked
tyrosine kinase activity and contributed to H2O2-induced apoptosis in human
neuroblastoma cells. Tyrosine-kinases
are highly expressed ins several brain regions including the hippocampus, and
are reported to be involved in the induction of long-term potentiation in the
hippocampus, which is crucial to learning and memory. Long-term potentiation is also reportedly
associated with increased calcium influx and glutamate release. Protein tyrosine physphorylation contributes
to synaptic plasticity. Three families
of tyrosine kinases are implicated in memory.
Because genistein is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor it can inhibit long
term potentiation, which will also suppress calcium channels and
extracellular-signal-related kinase in synaptosomes prepared from dentate
gyrus. Genistein inhibits protein
synthesis and phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein in
entorhinal cortex. Inhibitory activity
of long-term potentiation by genistein is associated with the inhibition of
high-threshold voltage-activated calcium currents (VGCC). Genistein inhibits the Ca2+ dependent
glutamate release by partially inhibiting p-/Q-type VGCC and by inhibiting
N-type and unidentified BGCCs, in rat hippocampal synaptosomes.
It is reasonable to
assume that rats consuming soy isoflavones have impaired spatial memory. Large amounts of genistein are needed to
inhibit tyrosione kinases in the brain and suppress cognitive function in
vivo. Thus soy isoflavones, especially
genistein as a tyrosine kinases inhibitor can induce impairment of memory
processing and cognitive function when concentration of genistein in vivo is
excessive. Soy isoflavones can affect
brain function by ER-mediated processes and by inhibiting tyrosine kinase. Genistein (one of soy isoflavones) can have
negative influences on cognitive function when it is present at a high level
due to its action as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor which enables it to block
long-term potentiation and cognitive function.
(Study title, “Soy
isoflavones and cognitive function” by YB Lee et al. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Vol 16,
Issue 11, Page: 641-49).
are critical to cell function. Proper
transport and distribution of mitochondrial in axons and at synapse are critical
for the normal physiology of neurons.
Efficient control of mitochondrial retention at particular stations,
where energy production and calcium homeostasis capacity are demanded is
essential for neuronal development and function. There are complex mobility patterns of axonal
mitochondria: distribution in axons and
at synapses, and the impact on synaptic function. Mitochondrial
diseases include: Diabetes, visual loss, multiple sclerosis, Leigh syndrome, varying
degrees of cognitive impairment, learning disabilities, dementia, hearing loss, myoclonic epilepsy, stokes,
gastrointestinal disorders, poor growth, loss of muscle coordination, muscle
weakness, liver, kidney disease, respiratory disorders, etc, etc.
Soy Inhibits Mitochondrial Functions:
2002, Genistein is an
isoflavone soy derivative that binds to estrogen receptors with selective
estrogen receptor modulated (SERM) properties.
FDA recommendations of soy for cholesterol reduction prompted
investigation into the potentially estrogen role of dietary soy phytochemicals
in the brain. 50nM genistein significantly
reduces neuronal apoptosis in an estrogen receptor-dependent manner, while the
importance of apoptosis in the brain has been recognized with regard to the
developing brain as well as degeneration in response to disease or stroke. We developed a model to test for apoptotic
toxicity in primary cortical neurons caused by 17 beta estradiol and genistein
and found; brain cell apoptosis confirmed loss of mitochondrial function,
DNA laddering, nuclear condensation and fragmentation, and caspase activation
were confirmed. Both 17beta estradiol
and genistein reduced the number of
apoptotic neurons and reduced the number of neurons containing active
caspase-3. Results demonstrate that
genistein and 17beta-estradiol have comparable anti-apoptotic properties in
primary cortical neurons and these properties are mediated through estrogen
(Caspases: Programmed
cell death. Essential in cells for apoptosis in developmental and most other
stages of adult life. Failure of
apoptosis is one of the main contributions to tumor development and autoimmune
2000, Inhibition of mitochondrial proton FOF1-ATPase/ATP synthesis by (soy) phytochemicals. In conclusion the ATP synthase is a target for dietary phytochemicals, (genistein) with potential for cytotoxicity.
(ATP, adenosine triphosphate,
provides the energy for many cellular processes, including active transport of
molecules across cell membranes, motility, and metabolism).
2005, Mitochondria are important targets of estrogen action. Another class of compounds, phytoestrogens which are found in our diet can also inhibit the activity of Complex 1 (NADH dehydrogenase). Phytoestrogens, genistein (found in soy beans) can inhibit the ATPase activity in rat brain mitochondria.
(NADH Dehydrogenase: Enzyme located
in the mitochondrial transport chain involved in respiratory complexes. Mutations in subunits of Complex I can cause
mitochondrial diseases, including Leigh syndrome (rare neurometabolic disorder
that usually affects infants between 3 months and 2 years old, but sometimes
teenagers and adults. Mutations in mitochondrial
DNA cause degradation of motor skills and eventually death. The disease is characterized by movement
disorders, loss of heal control and motor skills, continuous crying in infants,
and seizures). Complex I defects may
play a role in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. Complex I was significantly decreased in
patients with bipolar disorder. Complex
I deficiency showed decreased oxygen consumption rates and slower growth
rates. Exposure to pesticides (besides
soy, is another endocrine disruptor) can also inhibit Complex I and cause
disease symptoms to include liver dysfunction. Alteration in Complex I leads to
decreased mitochondrial electron transfer activities and decreased ATP
2005, Genistein produced mitochondrial depolarization as an early step in the induction of apoptosis. We identified the mitochondria permeability transition pore (PTP) as a potential target of genistein activity. There results indicate that the induction of apoptosis by pharmacological concentrations of genistein occurs via mitochondrial damage with the involvement of the PTP.
2002, Further analyses showed that genistein induces mitochondrial permeability transition by the generation of reactive oxygen species due to its interaction with respiratory chain at the level of mitochondrial complex III. Addition of genistein to isolated rat liver mitochondria induces swelling, loss of membrane potential and release of accumulated Ca2+.
Soy Suppresses MET:
MET: Important gene in brain
development particularly in the neocortex and cerebellum. Mutations to the MET receptor tyrosine kinase
gene have been associated with renal cell carcinoma,. A genetic variant which
disrupts MET transcription is associated with autism. Soy is an established tyrosine kinase
inhibitor, this inhibiting MET, as involved in the cause of autism.
2006, Low concentrations of genistein was associated with down-regulation of MET. Genistein suppresses MET expression.
Soy Effects on Cortisol Production: Cortisol is important for fetal development, immune system function, development of fetal lungs, and for normal brain development; emotions and cognitive function. Soy suppresses cortisol levels. Low levels of cortisol in the body are associated with multiple cascading adverse health effects including Addison’s disease. Changed patterns of serum cortisol levels have been observed in connection with abnormal ACTH levels, clinical depression, and physiological stressors such as hypoglycemia, illness, fever, trauma, fear, pain, physical exertion, or temperature extremes. Cortisol levels may also differ for individuals with autism or Asperger’s syndrome.
1999, Phytoestrogens alter adrenocortical function: Genistein and daidzein suppress glucocorticoid and stimulate androgen production. Phytoestrogens influence a variety of biological processes. In human fetal and postnatal adrenal cortical cells, genistein and daidzein decreased ACTH-stimulated cortisol production to basal levels. In the adult adrenocortical cell line, H295, genistein daidzein and 17B estradiol decreased cAMP-stimulated cortisol synthesis in a similar fashion. Genistein and daidzein in postnatal adrenocortical cells, DHEA and DHEA-S were markedly increased. In H295 cells, basal and cAMP-stimulated DHEA production were similarly increased by the phytoestrogens and 17B estradiol. Genistein and daidzein specifically inhibited the activity of 21-hydroxylase (P450c21 steroidal enzyme). Consumption of foods containing phytoestrogens alter adrenocortical function.
2002, Inhibitory effects of soy phytochemicals on cortisol production was examined in human adrenal H295R cells. Daidzein induced reduction of cortisol. Daidzein and genistein strongly and significantly inhibited steroidogenic enzymes 2beta-HSD. Daidzein and genistein significantly inhibited P450c21 steroidogenic enzyme activity. Daidzein is a competitive inhibitor of 3beta-HSD II and P450c21 steroidal enzymes.
Soy-Cause of Vitamin D
2004, Content
analysis of soybean milk showed very low calcium, phosphate, magnesium and
vitamin D levels compared to cow’s-based infant formulas. This case highlights the unsuitability of
soybean milk as the sole provider of infant nutrition and demonstrates the
false perception that soybean milk is a healthy food for infants. It is necessary to be cautious about health
claims for soybean milk….
Soy Modulation of Calbindin D28k-modulates calcium channel activity and neuronal firing. Calbindin D28k is a neuroprotective calcium-binding protein that is found in a number of neuroendocrine cells, particularly in the cerebellum. (Soy is an established endocrine disruptor).
2001, Males fed the soy phytoestrogen diet had significantly higher
phytoestrogen concentrations in a number of brain regions, (frontal cortex,
amygdale & cerebellum); in frontal cortex, expression of calbindin
decreased while COX-2 (an inducible inflammatory factor prevalent in
Alzheimers’ disease) increased. Dietary phytoestrogens significantly
sex-reversed the normal sexually dimorphic expression of the visual spatial
memory (VSM). In females VSM was
enhanced, in males VSM was inhibited by the same phytoestrogen diet. Findings suggest that dietary soy derived
phytoestrogens can influence learning and memory and alter the expression of
proteins involved in neuro-protection and inflammation in rats.
1999, In animals fed a phytoestrogen containing diet, males displayed significantly higher calbindin-D28k levels compared to females. Females exhibited significantly lower calbinin-D28 levels. Phytoestrogen content in diets apparently influence MBH-POA (medial basal hypothalamic preoptic area) calbindin levels prenatally. Altered calbindin-D28 levels modify sexually dimorphic brain structure during neural development by buffering ca2+ that is associated with programmed cell death.
2006, Soybean isoflavones changes calbindin D-28k (CB) immunoreactivity in the hippocampus in female rats as well as male rats, correlating between calcium levels and phytoestrogens. In the dentate gyrus, CB immunoreatvity in females and males was significantly lower than controls.
2000, Phytoestrogens are plant estrogenic-like molecules. Calcium binding proteins are associated with protecting against neurodengenerative diseases. In male rats on a phytoestrogen containing diet, plasma phytoestrogen levels were 78-fold higher than the control group, and the medial basal hypothalamic and preoptic area (mbh-poa) phytoestrogen content was 8-fold higher, demonstrating the passage of phytoestrogens into the brain. Independent brain site, i.e., mbh-poa, or amygdale, the abundance of calbindin from male phytoestrogen fed rats was significantly lower than controls. In the amygdale a similar pattern of expression was seen to that of the calbindin results. Consumption of phytoestrogens via a soy diet for a relatively short interval can (1). Significantly elevate plasma and brain phytoestrogen levels, and (2). Decrease brain calcium-binding proteins.
2000, Brigham Young Neuroscience Center researcher found that consumption of phytoestrogens via a soy diet for a relatively short interval can significantly elevate phytoestrogens levels in the brain and decrease brain calcium binding proteins.
Iron & Zinc
Deficiency Caused by Soy’s Phytic Acid Content: Zinc is an essential trace element for all forms
of life. Numerous aspects of cellular
metabolism are zinc-dependent.
Relatively high levels of zinc are found in the brain, especially
hippocampus. Zinc plays an important
role in brain development due to transmission of nerve impulses between brain
and cells. Deficiency of zinc during
pregnancy and lactation has been shown to be related to many congenital
abnormalities of the nervous system in the offspring.
2000, Another way that soybeans may affect brain function is because of the phytic acid content. Also known as phytates, they block the uptake of essential minerals in the intestinal tract: calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc. Both phytates and soy protein reduce iron absorption. Researchers testing soy formula found that it caused negative zinc balance in every infant to whom it was given, even when the diets were additionally supplemented with zinc. There is a strong correlation between soy phytate content in formula and poor growth.
1988, Results suggest that the low bioavailability of zinc from soy formula is a function of its phytate concentration.
2002, Phyto-containing legumes and movement toward plant-based diets reduces dietary iron and zinc absorption. Monitoring methods are needed to detect and prevent possible iron and zinc deficiency with plant-based diets.
2011, In the isoflavone-treated group, statistically significant decreased concentrations of zinc. The exposure of rats to genistein and daidzein during intrauterine life until sexual maturity influenced the mineral metabolism of the organism by significant decreases of zinc concentration in serum. Estradiol levels of rats receiving phytoestrogen were significantly higher than control group.
2007, Zinc and iron bioavailability was lower for GMO soybeans possibly due to its higher content of antinutrient factors, especially soybean levels of phytate.
2011, Levels of estradiol of rats receiving phytoestrogens were significantly higher than control group. Estradiol is a dangerously potent endogenous estrogen. Soy treated group showed statistically significant decreased concentrations of zinc in blood serum. (Study evidence links low zinc levels to brain disorders including autism).
1999, Soy infant formulas may also contain phytate, which may negatively affect trace element absorption. Zinc absorption was significantly higher in low-phytate soy formula than from regular soy formulas. Reducing phytate content in soy formula had beneficial effect on zinc and copper absorption.
2001, Dialysability of all the minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc) analyzed from soy-protein based formulas showed significant differences.
2004, Even in low doses, phytic acid is a potent inhibitor of iron absorption, and low absorption of iron is a major factor in the etiology of iron deficiency in infants.
Copper: You need only trace amounts of copper to stay
healthy, soy causes dangerous overdose of copper.
2003, Survival (rat)
time in the soy protein isolate (SPI as in soy infant formulas) group was
shorter than in control group. Copper
concentrations in the livers of rats in the SPI diet groups were approximately
80% higher than in rats fed the control diet.
Results indicate that SPI enhances copper uptake into the liver cells
and promotes liver cell damage in rats.
Recommendations to individuals suffering from Wilson’s (too much copper builds up in the liver,
brain and/or eyes causing serious illness, eventually causing death) disease to
avoid consuming soy protein may be warranted.
protein isoflavone enhances hepatic copper accumulation and cell damage in LEC
Manganese: Soy
Causes Toxic Manganese Levels, Another Soy-Cause of Dysfunctional Dopamine
2004, Manganese is an
essential mineral nutrient found at high levels in plants such as soy. Excessive Manganese exposure increases the
risk of adverse neurological effects. Well
meaning but inadequately informed parents may perceive plant-based beverages
such as soy beverages as an alternative to infant formula. Soy beverages should not be fed to infants
because they are nutritionally inadequate and contain manganese at levels which
may present an increased risk of adverse neurological effects.
2006, Manganese can cause a neurotoxic syndrome due to its interactions with monoamine systems, especially dopamine. Perturbations of the dopamine system are known to underlie a number of neurobehavioral problems, including ADHD. Manganese in soy-based infant formula can contain up to 80 times the Manganese concentrations of breast milk. Ingestion of soy formula in infancy could influence overabsorption of manganese and neurobehavioural consequences. We conclude that, during infancy the ingestion of high levels of manganese, as found in soy-based infant formula, is associated with a variety of behavioral deficits.
2002, Neonatal exposure to high levels of manganese has been indirectly implicated as a causal agent in ADHD, since Manganese toxicity and ADHD both involve dysfunction in brain dopamine systems. Results support neonatal manganese exposure is related to brain dopamine levels and neurocognitive deficit in the rodent.[pubmed?/term=Effects of neonatal dietary manganese exposure on brain dopamine levels and neurocognitive functions
2008, Newborn babies are fed infant formula high in the toxic metal manganese. Two University of California campuses affirm that manganese in infant formula may damage the infant brain and trigger aberrant behavior. David Goodman affirms that the soy infant formula currently on shelves permits an estimated manganese dose about 120 times the amount found in mother-s milk. Excess manganese is stored in body organs, about 8% in the brain, in proximity to dopamine-bearing neurons responsible in part for neurological development. Infants given soy formula may be at risk for brain and behavioral disorders.
SELENIUM: Although
toxic in large doses, selenium is an essential micronutrient for animals. Too much selenium can cause gastrointestinal
disorders, fatigue, irritability and neurological damage. Selenium and iodine are 2 minerals which are
critically important in the proper functioning of the thyroid. Hypothyroidism
during pregnancy, can cause mentally damaged offspring.
2008, Soy products typically contain a significant amount of selenium and the soy phytoestrogens may also influence selenium status. Selenium in a soy supplement was determined to be bioavailable. Isoflavones in the soy supplement may have interfered with the bioefficacy of selenium.
2002, Effect of the application of selenium fertilizer on selenium content of soybean and its products. Significant differences were found in that soybean cultivars exhibited different accumulation of selenium. Selenium enriched protein derived from selenium enriched soybean increases selenium intake.
2009, Selenium and arsenic levels in soybeans from different production regions of the United States. Whole soybeans were analyzed for total arsenic and selenium content. Arsenic levels were .1ppm or less. Selenium levels in soybeans varied from .07 - .90 ppm in the major production areas across the USA.
1998, Selenium absorption from the soy isolate source was very high indicating that the selenium present is well absorbed from this soybean plant source.
Soy Contains Toxic Metals: have a devastating influence on mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being.
2000, Soy infant formulas contain
other neurotoxins: aluminum, cadmium and fluoride. Studies found aluminum concentrations in
soy-based formulas were 100-fold greater compared to human breast milk. Cadmium content was 8-15 times higher.
Fluoride content of soy-based formulas ranged from 1.08 to 2.86 parts per
2003, Our own concern is the high amounts of fluoride and aluminum in soy formula. Infants fed soy formula there was an increase of 200% in autoimmune thyroid disease compared to breast-fed infants. A study concluded aluminum content in soy formula for 1-3 month old infants could result in intake of 363 micrograms/kg/day. Soy based formulas contains about 6-15 times more cadmium than milk based formulas, as well as high amounts of fluoride. Fluoride and phytates in soy formula will induce zinc deficiency.
2006, There was significant difference in the fluoride content of infant formulas from distinct batchers in most brands. Milk formula varied in fluoride concentrations; 0.014 to 0.045, and soy formula was 0.253 to 0.702 mg F/L.
(Fluoride toxicity can cause a variety of symptoms: abdominal pain,
vomiting, hypocalcemia, headache, muscle weakness, or spasm, seizures etc.).
1987, Soy-based or milk-free formula contained about 8-15 times more cadmium than milk-based formulas. Canadian and U.S. ready-to-use formulas contained 900 and 230 ng/g fluoride attributed to the level of fluoride in the processing water used by the manufacturers.
1999, Soy formulas contained approximately 6 times more cadmium that cow’s milk formulas, and diets with a cereal content had 4-21 times higher mean levels. Compared to breast-fed infants the exposure of dietary cadmium from weaning diets can be up to 12 times higher in children fed infant formulas.
(Toxic overexposure of cadmium occurs art very low levels. Toxic heavy metal cadmium is a known
carcinogen. Cadmium is a
bio-accumulating substance which means that the body absorbs and holds it and
isn’t able to expel it at a rate fast enough to be safe).
Additional Study
Evidence Proving Soy-Cause of Brain
Disrupting Effects:
2001, Visual spatial
memory is inhibited in males (rat) by dietary soy phytoestrogens. Furthermore, males fed the phytoestrogen
diets had significantly higher phytoestrogen concentrations in a number of
brain regions (frontal cortex, amygdale, and cerebellum): in frontal cortex the
expression of CALB (neuroprotective calcium-binding protein) decreased, while
COX-2, an inducible inflammatory factor prevalent in Alzheimer’s disease
increased. Results suggest that dietary
phytoestrogen significantly sex-reversed the normal sexually dimorphic
expression of visual spatial memory.
These findings suggest that dietary soy derived phytoestrogens can
influence learning and memory and alter the expression of proteins involved in
neural protection and inflammation in rats.
2003, Phytoestrogens, derived from plants (especially soy products) are molecules structurally and functionally similar to estradiol. In summary, consumption of dietary phytoestrogens (estrogen mimics) can alter hormone-sensitive hypothalamic brain volumes in rodents during adulthood.
2004, Results indicate that long-term consumption of a diet rich in soy isoflavones can have marked influences on patterns of aggressive and social behavior. Frequencies of intense aggressive and submissive behavior were elevated relative to monkeys fed the control diet. Time spent by these monkeys in physical contact with other monkeys was reduced by 68%.
2004, Dietary soy isoflavones alter regulatory behaviors, metabolic hormones and neuroendocrine function in male rats. This study demonstrates that consumption of a soy-based diet, significantly alters several parameters involved in maintaining body homeostatic balance, energy expenditure, feeding behavior, hormonal, metabolic and neuroendocrine function in male rats.
2009, Administration of soy phytoestrogen genistein and 17B-estradiol induced rapid cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation in the rat hypothalamus. Genistein induced a dose-dependent increase in CREB phosphorylation in the medial preoptic area and anteroventral periventricular nucleus. These results demonstrate that genistein induces estrogen-like rapid action on CREB phosphorylation in the neonatal central nervous system in vivo.
2002, Soy isoflavone supplements containing a mixture of soy phytoestrogens inhibited estrogen-dependent female sexual behavior and was estrogen for both ER alpha and ER beta dependent gene expression in the hypothalamus. However, at 55ppm genistein had differential activity through ER alpha and ER beta in the hypothalamus. Genistein increased ER beta mRNA expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus by 24%....
2001, We show that genistein, a potent plant-derived isoflavone displaying estrogenic activity at low nanomolar concentrations, is toxic to rat primary cortical neurons…. Findings provide evidence for a delayed and prolonged activation of p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and raise caution about potential side effects in the nervous system with genistein use.
2001, Ingestion of soy containing isoflavones was correlated with the suppression of tau. Tau is an important protein in early brain development and plays an important role in growth of axons. (Axons make contact with other cells, usually other neurons but sometimes muscle or gland cells at junctions called synapses).
1999, “FDA Scientists Against Soy”: Docket # 98P-0683. Scientists Drs. Doerge and Sheehan report, “We oppose this health claim because there is abundant evidence that some of the isoflavones found in soy, including genistein and equol, a metabolize of daidzein, demonstrate toxicity in estrogen sensitive tissues and in the thyroid. This is true for a number of species including humans. Thus during pregnancy in humans, (soy) isoflavones per se could be a risk factor for abnormal brain and reproductive tract development. Development is recognized as the most sensitive life stage for estrogen toxicity because of the indisputable evidence of a very wide variety of frank malformations and serious functional deficits in experimental animals and humans. Our conclusions are that no dose is without risk; the extent of risk is simply a function of dose. Taken together, the findings presented here are self-consistent and demonstrate that genistein and other isoflavones can have adverse effects in a variety of species, including humans. ….the public will be put at potential risk from soy isoflavones in soy protein, isolate without adequate warnings and information.”
2003, Sexually dimorphic brain volumes (sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus preoptic area SDN-POA, and anteroventral periventricular AVPV nucleus: male characteristics/female characteristics and behaviors) are influenced by estrogens. In summary, consumption of dietary phytoestrogens (estrogen mimics) can alter hormone-sensitive hypothalamic brain regions in rodents.
2005, Evidence from rodents shows that certain phytoestrogens act as estrogen receptors in the brain. We sought to determine the estrogenic profile of food-borne phytoestrogens in neuronal cell lines. At sub-micromolar concentrations genistein, daidzein stimulated ERalpha and ERbeta-dependent transcription in neuronal cells co-transfected with ERs and estrogen-response element containing promoters. In neuronblastoma cells expressing endogenous ERs, genistein mimicked estrogen regulation of progesterone receptor mRNA levels. Results demonstrate that food-borne phytoestrogens particularly those found in soy act as estrogen-response elements in neurons.
2000, Dr. Bernard A. Schwetz FDA Director of National Center for Toxicological Research: (former employee of Dow Company) Adverse effects on reproductive tissues have been primary focus of attention, but effects from endocrine disruptors on other organ systems and processes, such as carcinogenesis have also been reported. Chemicals with estrogenic activity can affect the development and function of neural tissues through several different mechanisms. Experimental approaches to detect neurotoxic effects of estrogenic chemicals include neurobehavioral, neuropathological, and neurochemical endpoints. Genistein, a naturally occurring estrogen mimic is found in soy beans and soy products on which multigenerational studies are in progress. These studies will compare toxicity in neural, immune and reproductive systems and evaluate potential carcinogenicity. At dose levels that decreased maternal and offspring body weight, there were subtle alterations in some sexually dimorphic behaviors… Moderate doses of genistein also decreased the volume of sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus in male offspring. Overall toxicity profile of chemicals to which humans are exposed is very important in order that the FDA may conduct sound risk assessments.
2002, Neurobehavioral effects of soy phytoestrogens; The soy phytoestrogen diet fed to adult male and female rats produced anxioloytic effects. Results indicate that consumption of dietary phytoestrogens resulting in very high plasma isoflavone levels can significantly alter sexually dimorphic brain regions, anxiety, learning, and memory. The findings of these studies identify the biological actions of phytoestrogens.
2001, Soy phytoestrogens influence estradiol estrogenic induced mechanism results in modified brain functions:
2005, Soy isoflavonoids provide a useful model to investigate the actions of endocrine disruptor. Isoflavonoids act in vivo through both ERalpha and ERbeta. Their neurobehavioural actions are largely anti-estrogenic. Small physiologically relevant exposure levels of soy isoflavonoids can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in the brain and affect complex behavior in a wide range of species.
2004, Results indicate that long-term consumption of a diet rich in soy isoflavones can have marked influences on patterns of increased aggressive behavior and decreased social behavior.
2004 Isoflavones genistein and daidzein have similar molecular weights and structural characteristics to that of 17-beta estradiol, exert estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties. Major source of endocrine disrupting substances soy derived isoflavones are most abundant and most studied are known endocrine disruptors. Exert estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties….equol act in turn to inhibit the action of testosterone/androgen. Influence of soy on learning and memory and anxiety behaviors is identified, and insulin levels affected by dietary isoflavones are discussed.
2003, Soya isoflavone content of rat diet can increase anxiety and stress hormone release in the male rat causing major changes in behavioral anxiety and stress hormones.
2004, Phytoestrogens: implications in neurovascular research: Differences in dietary phytoestrogen consumption result in large variations in somatic phytoestrogen content. These molecules affect estrogen and estrogen receptor function in several ways, having both agonist and antagonist effects on estrogen receptors. Similar to estrogens, dietary phytoestrogens appear to affect certain aspects of vascular, neuroendocrine and cognitive function. This article reviews health effects of estrogen, isoflavones and their hormonal mechanism of action, brain penetration by isoflavones.
2010, Endocrine disruptors, chemicals that disturb the actions of endogenous hormone have been implicated in birth defects associated with hormone-dependent development. Phytoestrogens are a class of endocrine disruptors found in plants. ….soy phytoestrogens. Effects of genistein on reproductive development and spatial learning required exposure throughout the pre-and postnatal periods.
Evidence for
genistein cytotoxicity in rat brain
1999, Environmental chemicals, (soy is in fact classified as environmental chemical) which mimic the actions of estrogen have the potential to affect any estrogen responsive tissue. Inappropriate exposure to environmental estrogens at critically sensitive stages of development could potentially perturb the organizational activities of estrogen on selected neuronal populations in the CNS.
2007, Effects of soy milk and isoflavone supplements on cognitive performance in healthy women- In contrast to predictions, soy did not improve attention, visual long-term memory, short-term memory. Also soy milk group showed a decline in verbal working memory compared to soy supplement and control groups.
2009, Genistein is a phytoestrogen found at high levels in soybeans. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that high concentrations of genistein caused toxic effects. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to genistein. Genistein–treated embryos showed decreased heart rates, retarded hatching times, decreased body length, and increased mortality in a dose-dependent manner. Genistein treatment increased malformation of survived embryos such as pericardial edema and spinal kyphosis were observed. Assay results showed apoptotic DNA fragments in brain. This study also confirmed the estrogenic potential of genistein in the brain…. This study demonstrated that high concentrations of genistein caused teratogenic effects on zebrafish embryos and confirmed the estrogenic potential of genistein. www.
2003, Estrogens exhibit complex effect on brain structure function and behavior. Body weights are significantly decreased in Phytoestrogen fed animals, and had significantly higher plasma adrenocorticotrophin and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor levels. Lifelong consumption of dietary phytoestrogens alters the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in male rats.
2012, Phytoestrogens are promoted as safe, natural alternatives to estrogen therapies, yet their safety is poorly understood. Once daily treatment of female rats with soy phytoestrogen genistein resulted in subtle deficits in performance on cognitive tasks. Genistein treatment in concentrations similar to those achieved in humans, impaired the delayed spatial alternation task very similar to that observed with 17B-estradiol.
Dangers of Soy
2003, Soy-induced
neuro-degeneration. A positive correlation between tofu consumption and brain
atrophy in men. Has been shown that the
soy phytoestrogen genistein inhibits neuroprotetive functions in cell cultures,
recent in-vivo findings strengthen the case for possible soy –induced
neurodegeneration. Genistein has been
shown to suppress both DNA synthesis and the effects of brain derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Seems reasonable that some individuals may
chose to avoid soy until proven safe …avoidance of soy also seems reasonable
and should not be discouraged as alarmist.
1996, Tofu and other soybean foods contain isoflavones bearing structural resemblance to steroidal hormones and have significant estrogen agonistic or antagonistic activities related to estrogen receptors and/or with enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism. There is evidence that estrogens modulate neural and synaptic plasticity during aging. We found an association of consistently high levels of tofu consumption in mid-life with low cognitive test scores and with Alzheimer’s disease in late life.
2000, Poor cognitive test performance, enlargement of ventricles and low brain weight were each significantly and independently associated with higher midlife tofu consumption, indicative of cognitive impairment and brain atrophy in late life.
2008 High tofu intake is associated with worse memory in elderly Indonesian men and women. Honolulu study also reported increased risk for cognitive impairment and other dementia markers with high tofu (soybean curd) intake.
2009, The natural selective estrogen receptor modulator DT56a or Femarelle, (derived from tofu + flaxseed) is derived from the soybean. DT56a exerts an estrogen-like effect on selective areas related to mood, cognition, and homeostasis control, presenting a specific pattern of interaction with brain function. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.pubmed/19295450
2000, The Trouble
With Tofu- Soy and the Brain: Men who consumed soy tofu at least twice weekly
had more cognitive impairment.
Consumption of phytoestrogens via a soy diet for a relatively short
interval can significantly elevate phytoestrogen levels in the brain and
decrease brain calcium-binding proteins.
Soy’s ability to interfere with enzymes and amino acids may have direct
consequence for the brain. High amounts
of protein tyrosine kinases are found in the hippocampus a brain region
involved with learning and memory. Soy
is a tyrosine kinases inhibitor.
2001, Males fed the
soy phytoestrogen diet had significantly higher phytoestrogen concentrations in
a number of brain regions, (frontal cortex, amygdale & cerebellum); in
frontal cortex, expression of calibindin decreased, while COX-2 (an inducible
inflammatory factor prevalent in Alzheimers’ disease) increased. Findings
suggest that dietary soy derived phytoestrogens can influence learning and
memory and alter the expression of proteins involved in neuro-protection and
inflammation in rats.
How Soy Irreversibly Maculinizes Female Brain, and Feminizes Male Brain:
2002, Neurobehavioral
effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens; These studies used a commercially
available diet rich in phytoestrogens (Phyto-rich) verses a diet relatively
free of phytoestrogens (Phyto-free). The
phyto-rich diet fed to adult male and female rats produced anxiolytic
effects. When learning and memory
parameters were examined the visual-spatial memory (VSM), the diet treatments
significantly changed the typical sexually dimorphic pattern of VSM. Phyto-rich females executed the VSM task in a
manner similar to that of phyto-free fed males.
Phyto-rich males VSM was comparable to Phyto-free fed females. Results indicate that consumption of dietary
phytoestrogens resulting in high plasma isoflavone levels (in many cases over a
relative short interval of consumption) can significantly alter sexually
dimorphic brain region, anxiety, learning, and memory. These findings identify biological actions of
phytoestrogens on the brain and behavior.
2001, NCTR/FDA report: Soy phytoestrogen genistein, the principal isoflavone in soybeans has adverse effects on animal reproduction. Since adult physiology and behavior are sensitive to perturbation by developmental estrogens, exposure to genistein during development may produce behavioral alterations. Results indicate that developmental genistein treatment, at levels that decrease maternal and offspring body weight, causes subtle alterations in some sexually dimorphic behaviors.
Neonatal (soy)
genistein or BPA alters sexual differentiation de-masculinized males and de-feminized
females. Endocrine active
compounds…phytoestrogen genistein. Acute exposure to Endocrine Active Compounds
alter AVPV Development
Soy de-masculinizes
male, de-feminizes females…(Soy) Genistein exposure during critical developmental
periods could disrupt brain differentiation.
Soy de-feminizes
female brain:
2010, Maternal exposure to daidzein alters behavioral and estrogen receptor alpha expression in adult female offspring. Females exposed to daidzein showed significantly less ERalpha expression in bed nucleus of the stria terminals and medial amygdale in the brains of female mice. Findings show that maternal exposure to daidzein has a masculinization effect on memory and social behavior, suggesting a potential role of ER alpha distribution in the brain.
1996. Reversal of sex roles in genetic female mice by disruption of estrogen receptor gene. Deficiency of normal estrogen receptor gene function led to behavioral change in female mice, aggression was increased. Disruption of ER gene led to a pattern of hormonal and neural changes which caused female to lose their normal female-typical behavior and to behave more like males.
2005, De-masculinize male mice: John Hopkins School of Medicine: Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals adversely affects reproductive development and behavior in males. Aggressive behaviors were decreased whereas defensive behaviors were increased in males that received the low-does genistein diet. Exposure to genistein during critical periods of sex differentiation results in concurrent and persistent de-masculinization in male mice. Given the popularity of soy infant formulas the influence isoflavone exposure on reproductive and behavioral health in boys and men should be considered.
2003, Johns Hopkins, AB Wisniewski et al, Perinatal (soy) genistein exposure results in transient and lasting alterations in masculinization of the reproductive system. Exposure to genistein during gestation and lactation demasculinizes the reproductive system in rats.
2011, Genistein impairs early testosterone production via estrogen receptor alpha. It is well known that genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans and soy products, mimics the actions of estrogens and that fetal testis is responsive to estrogens. Genistein inhibits testosterone secretion by fetal Leydig cells in mice during early fetal development within the “masculinization programming window.” Results suggest that fetal exposure to phytoestrogens can affect the development and function of the male reproductive system.
2001, FDA, National Center For Toxicological Research (NCTR) report: Effects of dietary exposure to the weak estrogen, (soy) genistein have been assessed using a number of techniques with validated gender related outcome measures. Findings indicate dose-related alterations of the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the medial preoptic area were observed in genistein-exposed male rats. Observations indicate that dose-related effects of developmental and chronic dietary exposure to genistein can be observed in the rodent. Additional studies are necessary to further predict the effect(s) of genistein on human gender-based development.
1993- The results confirm that low doses of genistein have non-androgenizing, pituitary-sensitizing effects while higher doses of genistein mimc the more typical effects of estrogens….defining the reproductive consequences of environmental estrogen exposure during critical periods of central nervous system development.
2007, Genistein is a phytoestrogen, abundant in soybeans that can bind estrogen receptors and sex hormone binding proteins, exerting both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity. Results demonstrate that genistein acts similarly to estradiol. In this avian model embryonic exposure to phytoestrogens may have life-long effects on sexual differentiation of brain structures and behaviors.
2007, Isoflavones, the most abundant phytoestrogens in soy food are structurally similar to 17beta-estradiol. It is known that 17beta-estradiol induces cell death in anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) in rat brain. There is evidence that consumption of soy isoflavones reduces the volume of AVPV, (controls sex typical physiology and behaviors). These findings proved direct evidence that consumption of soy isoflavones, influences the loss of ERbeta-containing neurons in male AVPV.
2003, Sexually dimorphic brain volumes (sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus preoptic area SDN-POA, and anteroventral periventricular AVPV nucleus: male characteristics/female characteristics and behaviors) are influenced by estrogens. In summary, consumption of dietary phytoestrogens (estrogen mimics) can alter hormone-sensitive hypothalamic brain regions in rodents.
2001, Males fed the soy phytoestrogen diet had significantly higher phytoestrogen concentrations in a number of brain regions, (frontal cortex, amygdale & cerebellum) and in frontal cortex. Dietary phytoestrogens significantly sex-reversed the normal sexually dimorphic expression of the visual spatial memory (VSM). In females VSM was enhanced, in males VSM was inhibited by the same phytoestrogen diet.
Soy = Dangerous HORMONE
DISRUPTOR: Endocrine disruptors adversely
manipulate, interrupt, and aggravate natural hormone systems throughout the
human body and brain, with highest disruptor threat targets the reproductive, multiple
neuron systems, and the immune system. Although
dangerous for all people, hormone disruptors are of greatest risk during
prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are
forming. The relationship between
endocrine disruptors and central nervous system is comprised of multiple
feedback loops. The endocrine system is
most important for the developmental process and the consequences when this
hormone system malfunctions are critical to health if not fatal.
1999, NIH report, Phytoestrogens
such as soy isoflavones, and organochlorine compounds (pesticides and
polychlorinated biphenyls) are two broad classes of putative endocrine
disruptors- chemicals that may have the capability to alter a woman’s hormonal
milieu. The U.S. public is exposed to dietary sources of
phytoestrogens… In addition, residues of
organochlorine compounds can be detected in a large proportion of the population. Although phytoestrogens and organochlorine
compounds are suspected of being important environmental determinants of
hormone-related neoplasia, there are few epidemiological studies testing these
1998, We investigated the estrogenic activity of environmental chemicals and phytoestrogens in competition binding assays with ER alpha or ER beta protein. All environmental estrogenic chemicals compete with 17b-estradiol for binding to both ER subtypes. Phytoestrogens, including soy genistein stimulate the transcriptional activity of both ER subtypes at concentrations of 1-10nM. The estrogenic potency of phytoestrogens is significant, especially for ER-beta, and they may trigger many of the biological responses that are evoked by the physiological estrogens.
2005, Male reproductive abnormalities and falling sperm counts prompt interest into threats to global fertility. Little is known about the effects of dietary estrogens on male reproductive health. These non-steroidal estrogens are potent endocrine disruptors that modulate normal physiological functions. Phytoestrogens have become major component in food diet over the last few decades. Soy formula is another common source of phytoestrogen. This use is of particular concern since most vulnerable periods for estrogenic insult are pre-and neonatal periods when irreversible damage can be inflicted on the developing germinal epithelium.
2008, NIH, National Toxicology Program reports: (Soy) Genistein is a naturally occurring isoflavone that interacts with estrogen receptors and multiple other molecular targets. “Concerns” have been raised regarding potential adverse effects of genistein, particularly with regard to reproductive toxicity and the induction of potentiation of carcinogenesis due primarily to its weak estrogenic activity. There is also minimal transfer of genistein to rat pups via the dams’milk. In soy group there were significant effects on the onset of aberrant estrous cycles. Pituitary gland weights were significantly increased. There was a significant positive trend in the incidences of mammary gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma. There were positive trends in the incidences of adenoma or carcinoma in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland of females in males a significant positive trend occurred in incidences of combined adenoma or carcinoma of the pancreatic islets. There was some evidence of carcinogenic activity of genistein in female rats based on increased incidences of mammary gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma and pituitary gland neoplasms. The effects of genistein on common hormonally related spontaneous neoplasms of female rats are consistent with an estrogenic mechanism of toxicity.
2011, The increasing incidence of hypospadias is partly attributed to increased gestational exposure to endocrine disruptors. Gestational exposure to genistein altered the urethral expression of 277 genes. Among the most affected were hormonally regulated genes. Genistein affected tyrosine kinase receptors. Gestational exposure to genistein contributes to hypospadias by altering pathways of tissue morphogenesis, cell proliferation and cell survival.
2005, Soy isoflavonoids are plant phytoestrogens are increasingly advocated as a natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy. As weak estrogen agonists/antagonists with a range of other enzymatic activities, the isoflavonoids provide a useful model to investigate the actions of endocrine disruptors. Activational and organizational effects of these compounds on the brain are reviewed. Isoflavonoids act in vivo through both ERalpha and ERbeta. Their neurobehavioural actions are largely anti-estrogenic, either antagonizing or producing an action in opposition to that of estradiol. Small, physiologically relevant exposure levels can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in the brain and affect complex behavior in a wide range of species. Implications for these findings in humans, particularly in infants, remain uninvestigated and are a subject of increasing public interest.
action in the adult and developing brain
2008, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these compounds may induce both short- and long-term deleterious effects. The EDCs examined included estradiol, androgen active compounds, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. All EDCs impaired reproduction. Male sexual behavior proved to be a sensitive index of EDC exposure and embryonic exposure to a variety of EDCs consistently resulted in impaired male sexual behavior. Exposure to EDCs during embryonic development has consequences beyond impaired function of the reproductive axis.
2004, Soy causes agonistic and antagonistic properties on ER (Estrogen Receptor) alpha and ER Beta in human cells and functions as an endocrine disruptor.
2002, Concerns have been raised about the potential adverse effects on reproductive health and immune status of farm animals following exposure to environmental compounds that disrupt normal hormonal actions. These compounds range from natural plant estrogens, (genistein), to growth promoting pharmaceuticals to chemicals spread in water, sewage, sludge or detergents, plastics, pesticides (DDT), and industrial chemicals. These compounds are commonly termed ‘endocrine disrupting compounds or endocrine disruptors’ due to their ability to disrupt hormone synthesis, storage or metabolism. Susceptibility of target tissues is related to the stage of development, cumulative exposure dose and the immune status of the individual. Effects that are observed in the adult may be due to exposure to endocrine disruptors during fetal life.
2010, Soy As An Endocrine Disruptor: Cause For Caution: Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs_ alter the function of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse health effects. Phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds abundantly found in soy and soy products, behave as weak estrogen mimics or as anti-estrogen. They are considered to be EDCs. Supporting evidence that consumption of phytoestrogens is beneficial is indirect and inconsistent. Lifetime exposure to estrogenic substances, especially during critical periods of development, has been associated with formation of malignancies and several anomalies of the reproductive systems. Phytoestrogen consumption in infants, through soy-based formulas is of particular concern. Possible adverse effects should not be taken lightly.
1997, Man-made chemicals potential risk to human health include phytoestrogens comparing to plastics, pesticides etc.
2000, NCTR Genistein principal soy isoflavone in diet to male and female rats. Endocrine responsive tissues including brain, liver, mammary, ovary, prostate, testis, thyroid and uterus showed significant dose-depended increases in total genistein concentration. Female liver contained the highest amount and male whole brain contains the least blood concentrations and physiologic effects of genistein.
2004, Among the issues raising concerns about human exposure to soy phytoestrogens is how such exposure may affect responsiveness and sensitivity of the exposed subjects to additional xenobiotics, particularly drugs and environmental chemicals with estrogenic or other endocrine disruptor activities.
2004, Feeding with a soy formula should not
be recommended for the prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at
high risk of allergy or food intolerance:
2007, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) cause defects in sexual behavior and reproductive ability due to their steroid-like or anti-steroid like properties. In addition, endocrine systems such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HTP) axis may be targets of endocrine disruption. There may be multiple targets for interference by various EDC substances suspected of having endocrine disruptor activity, such as genistein as well as glycitein and daidzein (soybean isoflavones). A striking example is genistein, on one had inhibits thyroid peroxidase enzyme in the thyroid and on the other hand also displays estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects by interacting with Estrogen Receptor-beta. EDC can act in a transgenerational manner by epigenetic and modification of genes.
2003, Native soybean lectins (cause intestinal disorders, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, nutritional deficiencies, immune allergic reactions, possible death) could potentially have deleterious effects on young animals. 12710487
2002, In postmenopausal subjects, mean lutenizing hormone (LH)secretion decreased after discontinuing soy, suggesting a residual estrogenic effects. In a premenopausal woman enhanced LH secretion was observed after soy treatment, suggesting there may be subpopulations of women who are highly sensitive to soy isoflavones.
Soy-Causes Gene
Mutations: Genotoxicity (deleterious
action on cells) caused by soy:
1998, FDA NCTR
Reports: Our results may be interpreted that soy phytoestrogen genistein is a
chromosomal mutagen.
2006, National
Institute of Mind Health Confirms: “Tiny, Spontaneous Gene Mutation May Boost
Autism Risk. Our results show conclusively
that these tiny glitches are frequent in autism, occurring in at least 10% of
the cases, and primarily in the sporadic form of the disease, which accounts
for 90% of affected individuals.”
2004, Phytoestrogens
are a matter of public concern, results point to genotoxicity of
1991, Genotoxic effects of genistein: A variety of genotoxic effects of phytoestrogens have been reported. Genistein effects occur at relevant low dietary concentrations. No dose is without risk, the dose defines the poison.
2004, Genotoxicity, DNA Damage: Recent studies indicated that genistein and/or daidzein induced cancer of reproductive organs in rodents…we examined the ability of genistein daidzein and their metabolites to cause DNA damage and cell proliferation. DNA damage by isoflavone metabolites plays a role in tumor initiation by isoflavones via estrogen receptors to estrogen response elements.
2003, Genotoxic activity of soy daidzein, exhibit genotoxic potential in vitro
2007, “Concerns” about potential detrimental or other genotoxic effects persist about soy-derived phytoestrogens. This review focuses on soy phytoestrogen, genistein, critically examining dose as a crucial determinant of cellular effects. In toxicology, the well accepted principle of “the dose defines the poison” applies to many toxicants and can be invoked to distinguish genotoxic effects of natural dietary products such as genistein.
2008, Developmental effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors can influence adult characteristics in mammals, but could also have evolutionary consequences. The effects of a continuous pre-and post-natal exposure to high levels of dietary soy isoflavones was evaluated on sexual maturity, morphometric parameters and DNA methylation status in mice. Individuals from a population subjected to a high consumption of soy isoflavones (plant-estrogens) can show alterations in characters that may be of importance from an evolutionary perspective, such as epigenetic and morphometric characters or sexual maturation.
Soy-Damage to Thymus, Thyroid, and Immune System: Thyroid hormones are essential for human development, cell differentiation, and for the regulation of the immune system. Proper thyroid function is also essential for normal neonatal brain development. Thyroid hormones regulate the growth & migration of neurons involved in synaptic development & myelin formation in specific brain regions. Soy inhibition of essential enzyme, tyrosine, and soybean isoflavone hormone disruptors are related to the cause of an underactive thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism.
Congenital hypothyroidism is proven to cause mental retardation.
Maternal thyroid
function during pregnancy is crucial for normal neurodevelopment of the
fetus. The “Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid”
(HPT) axis is functional early in gestation and remains immature until after
birth. Thyroid hormones regulate many
aspects of development: bone, lung, reproductive development as necessary for
normal growth. Thyroid hormones, while playing a major role in brain
development, also influence neurological function throughout life. There is a critical period for thyroid hormone
mediated human brain development that begins in utero and extends through 2-3
years of age. Excessive or deficient thyroid
hormone levels during this period can cause irreversible brain damage. Soy interrupts and aggravates normal thyroid
2007, Endocrine Disruptors and the Thyroid Gland: It is now shown that there may be multiple targets of interference by various Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) with the complex regulatory network of thyroid hormone synthesis, metabolism, distribution, and action on the various levels of endocrine regulation and feedback control. Complex biological developmental programs controlled by thyroid hormone may be disturbed by EDC action. Chosen for analysis was an environmentally and nutritionally relevant collection of substances suspected to have endocrine disrupting activity because of their steroid-like or anti-steroid effects. These substances included genistein as well as glycitein and daidzein from soybean. These substances also interfere with multiple targets at various levels of the HPT axis in a tissue-specific manner.
The soy isoflavone
genistein decreased iodide accumulation by 52%.
Iodide uptake was also inhibited in the presence of this endocrine
disruptor chemical. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO)
also seems to be the target of goitrogens from isoflavone genistein from
soybeans. It was already known four
decades ago that feeding infants with soy milk caused goiter in those with inadequate
iodine. Genistein, an isoflavone of soy
could be responsible for the pathogenesis of this type of childhood goiter as
well known for its endocrine activity exerted via interaction with estrogen and
other nuclear receptors also inhibits TPO in vitro and in vivo. One EDC affects more than on target in the
HPT axis or even affects more than one endocrine axis, a striking example is
genistein. Our results show that
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis is a relevant target of (soy)
endocrine disruptor action. Genistein
inhibits TPO enzyme activity and also binds thyroid hormones, displaying
estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects by interacting with Estrogen Receptor-beta. Taken together, there seems to be synergistic
as well as antagonistic interference at several levels of thyroid hormone
synthesis, action, and regulation.
2009, It’s not advisable to assume that soy is safe for thyroid patients. It’s also clear that soy does have the potential to cause thyroid problems in a segment of the population that is susceptible due to iodine deficiency or other conditions.
1959, A 10 month old infant reared on soybean product from birth developed a goiter and hypothyroidism. Studies suggest that a goitrogenic agent was present in this particular soybean product that interfered with thyroid hormone synthesis in susceptible individuals.
1999, Autoimmune disorders and evaluation of medical risk factors in autism. Autism is a neurologic disorder that is often associated with autoimmune disorders (hypothyroidism) in the patient, in the patients’ relatives. The number of autoimmune disorders was greater in families with autism. An increased number of autoimmune disorders suggests that in some families with autism, immune dysfunction could interact with various hormone disruptor factors to play a role in autism pathogenesis.
2002, The phytoestrogen genistein induces thymic and immune deficiency; These results raise the possibility that serum genistein concentrations found in soy-fed human infants may be capable of producing thymic and immune abnormalities, as suggested by previous reports of immune impairments in soy-fed human infants. (without the thymus not enough T-cells are produced. The spleen and lymph nodes are at risk, and immune system fails).
Soy exposure during pregnancy and lactation causes long-lasting adverse effects into adulthood. Soy-cause of thymus masses.
1986, Zinc is required to confer biological activity on thymic hormone molecules. Thyroid status modulates thymic endocrine function in humans. (Soy phytates inhibit zinc as studies conclude above).
2008, Soy products increase the risk of thyroid disease, and this danger is particularly great for infants on soy formula. Researchers have identified that soy isoflavones act as potent anti-thyroid agents, and are capable of suppressing thyroid function and causing or worsening hypothyroidism.. Because soy phytoestrogen that acts in the body much like a hormone, it is no surprise that it interacts with the delicate balance of the thyroid’s hormonal systems.
2006, Modulation of immune response following dietary genistein exposure in 2 generations: evidence of thymic regulation. Results demonstrate that genistein can modulate the immune system in both adult and developing mice in a dose-specific manner. Genistein may modulate the immune system by functioning as either an estrogen agonist or antagonist.
2010, Soy-based infant formula contain high levels of the estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to “concern” that neonatal genistein exposure could cause acute and/or long-term adverse effects on reproductive and other organs. Neonatal genistein treatment caused increased relative uterine weight, down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterine epithelia, genistein was also seen in the neonatal ovary, and thymus, which had an increase in the incidence of multioocyte follicles (MOF) and decrease in thymic weight. Increased MOF’s persisted into adulthood in neonatally treated genistein females.
2004, Soy fed to infants with congenital hypothyroidism Infants fed soy formula had prolonged increases in thyroid stimulating hormone, (abnormal thyroid function) when compared to infants fed non-soy formula.
1995, Persistent hypothyroidism in an infant receiving soy formula: Patient with congenital hypothyroidism who remained persistently hypothyroid while on a soy formula diet despite large doses of L-thyroxine (or Levothyroixin) a synthetic hypothyroid drug.
2011, There is some
scientific evid3ence that soy may adversely effect thyroid function and interfere
with thyroid hormone absorption. Thyroid
hormones affect metabolism, growth, brain development, breathing and body
temperature. So low thyroid hormone
levels can result in mental retardation and stunted growth. Certain types of chemicals in soy, especially
isoflavones, may disrupt the normal action of thyroid hormones., increasing the
risk for thyroid problems or goiter.
Genistein and daidzein were found to be the chemicals in soy that
inhibited thyroid peroxidase.
2008, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these compounds may induce deleterious effects. The EDCs examined included estradiol, androgen active compounds, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. The EDCs are known to impact both the immune and thyroid systems.
2006, Concerns have been expressed that soy may be contraindicated for some subsets of the population. One concern is that soy may adversely affect thyroid function and interfere with the absorption of synthetic thyroid hormone. In individuals with compromised thyroid function, food may increase risk of developing clinical hypothyroidism.
2010, Soybean phytoestrogens, isoflavones genistein and daidzein were reported to affect adversely thyroid function in the presence of other goitrogenic factors. Both genistein and daidzein can induce microfollicular changes in the thyroid tissue and reduce the level of thyroid hormones in middle-aged male rats. TSH cells increased cellular volume while Volume of T(4) and T(3) levels decreased….. (a cause of hypothyroidism and a number of cascading adverse effects).
2008, Soy phytoestrogens or isoflavones have been definitely shown to depress thyroid function and to cause infertility in every animal species studied so far.
1997, FDA, NIEHS
report, Anti-thyroid isoflavones from soybean: isolation, characterization, and
mechanisms of action. Because inhibition
of thyroid hormone synthesis can induce goiter and thyroid neoplasia in
rodents, delineation of ant-thyroid mechanisms for soy isoflavones may be
important for extrapolating goitrogenic hazards identified in chronic rodent
bioassays to humans consuming soy products.
2002, FDA NIEHS Drs. Doerge and Sheehan report: Goitrogenic and estrogenic activity of soy: Genistein, the major soy isoflavone has a frank estrogenic effect in women. Additional factors appear necessary for soy to cause overt thyroid toxicity. Safety testing of soy products is not required. The possibility that widely consumed soy products may cause harm in the human population via estrogenic and goitrogenic activities is of concern. Human research into soy toxicity is the best way to address these concerns.
1990, Autoimmune
thyroid disease: Infant feeding of soy formula may affect autoimmune diseases
later in life. This retrospective
analysis documents the association of soy formula feeding in infancy and
autoimmune thyroid disease Dr. Fort Study.
2002, Johns Hopkins, Primary goal of this study was to compare effects of perinatal exposure with life-long exposure to genistein, an estrogenic compound in soy on the endocrine and immune system in rat adulthood. These data illustrat4e that exposure to genistein during pregnancy and lactation exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems in adulthood.
2002, Frequency of feedings with soy-based milk formulas in early life was significantly higher in children with autoimmune thyroid disease. Inappropriate thyroid hormone levels can also have a devastating effect on the developing human brain especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy when the fetus depends on the mother’s thyroid hormones for brain development.
2001, The morphological and biochemical alterations in the neurons of the developing hypothyroid brain are comparable to those seen in several neurodegenerative diseases.
1993, Fetal thyroid hormones play an essential role in fetal brain development. It is possible that maternal soy hormone disruptor consumption influence fetal brain development. There is a “critical period” in which appropriate thyroid hormone levels are absolutely essential for normal brain development. In humans this period is considered to begin late in gestation and extend through 1-3 years of age. Deficiencies of thyroid hormone during this critical period cause serious damage to the structural development and organization of the brain.
2009, NIEHS experts
Daniel Doerge and Daniel Sheehan call for rigorous, high-quality experimental
and human studies into soy toxicity.
It’s not advisable to assume that soy is universally safe for thyroid
patients. It’s also clear that soy does have potential to cause thyroid
problems. Soy can be a trigger for developing hypothyroidism.
2008. Hypothyroidism during early development results in multiple morphological and functional alterations in the developing brain. Hyperactive locomotor behavioral patterns resulted in chronic hypothyroid, and affects spatial memory in a negative manner.
2001, Hypothyroidism
in the developing rat brain is associated with marked oxidative stress and
aberrant intra-neuronal accumulation of neurofilaments.
in the developing rat brain is associated with marked oxidative stress and
aberrant intraneuronal accumulation of neurofilaments
Maternal Soy Diet Transfers
Soy-Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors to Fetus:
2001, FDA NIEHS, The
developing fetus is uniquely sensitive to perturbations with estrogenic
chemicals. DES is the classic
example. Phytoestrogen use in
nutritional and pharmaceutical applications for infants and children is
increasing. We investigated the
carcinogenic potential of genistein, a naturally occurring plant estrogen in
soy. At 18 months (mice study) the incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma was 35%
for genistein and 31% for DES. Data
suggest that genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical
periods of differentiation. Use of soy
–bead infant formulas in the absence of medical necessity and the marketing of
soy products that appeal to children should be closely examined.
2009, Autism is probably attributable to a combination of a common genetic background and a possible prenatal exposure or alteration in fetal environment during pregnancy. (Maternal consumption of soy phyto-toxic hormone disruptor exposure is repeatedly proven to alter fetal environment).
2001, FDA NIEHS scientists report; Genistein, the principal soy isoflavone has estrogenic activity and is widely consumed by humans. These studies show that genistein aglycone crosses the rat placenta and can reach fetal brain from maternal serum genistein levels that are relevant to those observed in humans.
2011, The increasing incidence of hypospadias is partly attributed to increased gestational exposure to endocrine disruptors. Gestational exposure to soy genistein altered the urethral expression of 277 genes. Among the most affected were hormonally regulated genes. Genistein affected tyrosine kinase receptors. Gestational exposure to genistein contributes to hypospadias by altering pathways of tissue morphogenesis, cell proliferation and cell survival.
2006, Toxicological Sciences: Diets high in soy –based products are well known for their estrogenic activity. Genistein the predominant phytoestrogen present in soy , is known to interact with estrogen receptors alpha and beta and elicits reproductive effects in developing rodents. It is critical to understand the delivery of free and conjugated genistein across the placenta to the fetus following maternal genistein exposure. Genistein level sin placental tissue was high…. Fetal concentrations of unconjugated genistein following administration of 40mg/kg were above the EC50 for ER beta activation. High placental concentrations of genistein indicate the placenta is a potential target organ for genistein action during gestation.
of genistein and conjugated metabolites in pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats
following single and repeated genistein administration.
2002, Early exposure to genistein exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems. Data illustrate that exposure to soy genistein during pregnancy and lactation exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems in adulthood.
2006, Daidzein and genistein (soy hormone disruptors) are found in higher concentrations than BPA in fetal amniotic fluid
2002, Fetal soy exposure; evidence of soy phytoestrogens found in amniotic fluid. www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/11888703
2005, Phytoestrogens transfer between mother and fetus…..placental transfer…the effects of fetal exposure to phytoestrogens should be studied further. (Japan 2005)
2009 Taiwan study: Genistein has cytotoxic effects on embryo development. Fetal and infant damage.
2002, Since dietary phytoestrogens account for a significant proportion of human exposure to potential endocrine modulators, and since the placenta does not represent a barrier to daidzein or related soy estrogenic isoflavones, the consequences of these exposures early in life should be examined and monitored carefully.
2011, Fetal exposure to phytoestrogens can affect the development and function of the male reproductive system
2011, NIH web site: Effects of genistein in maternal diet on reproductive development and spatial learning in male rats.. exposure to pregnant females is toxic to multiple organs and reproductive behavior in male offspring…. Also alters learning and memory. Sex based differences in behavior….. sensitive to endo disruption…
2010, Soy phyto-estrogens and male reproductive function. Caution…soy formula should be avoided
2007, Exposure to soy phytoestrogens in perinatal period affects androgen secretion by testicular leydig cells in adult rat. Phytoestrogens have ability to regulate Leydig cells.
2000, Maternal vegetarian diet associated with phytoestrogens have a deleterious effect on the developing male reproductive system.
2011, Endocrine
disruptors and soy genistein damage to male urethral development
2001, Neonatal exposure to genistein reduces expression of estrogen receptor alpha and androge4n receptor in testes of adult mice and affects male reproductive organs at molecular levels in adulthood.
2007 Concern has been raised of potential adverse effects due to the estrogenic and other activities of isoflavones. To assess the teratogenic and fetal toxic potential of genistein several rat studies were conducted. Treatment related anomalies were observed at concentrations of > or =10microg and 100 microg/mL, all embryos were malformed. Adverse effects in the pups were observed. On basis of definitive Prenatal development study the NOAEL for maternal toxicity and adverse effects on embryonic development was considered to be 100mg/kg/day when administered orally by dietary admix.
2004, In utero
(fetal) exposure to genistein: There is pronounced ductal hyperplasia,
lactational changes, and fibrosis were observed in mammary glands from
genistein group. Postnatal exposure to
pharmacological levels of genistein induces profound morphological changes in
the mammary glands of adult female rats. There is also potential of genistein
to modulate toxicological effects of other toxicant mixtures. Effects of in
utero exposure to environmental toxicants and potential interaction with
postnatal genistein there is enlargement of the thoracic mammary glands
observed in female rat offspring at 200 days of age.
2011, Developmental exposure to estrogenic compounds can disrupt sexual differentiation in adult reproductive function in many animals including humans. Phytoestrogens in the diet comprise a significant source of estrogenic exposure to humans, particularly infants who are fed soy-based infant formula. Studies clearly demonstrate that environmentally relevant doses of genistein have significant negative impacts on ovarian differentiation, estrous cyclicity, and fertility in the rodent model. Additional studies of reproductive function in human populations exposed to phytoestrogens during development are warranted.
2006, Dietary component, such as fat or phytochemicals in plant foods, can have an opposite effect on breast cancer risk if exposed in utero through a pregnant mother or at puberty. Dietary exposure during pregnancy often has similar effects on breast cancer risk among mothers and their female offspring. There is extensive programming of the mammary gland during fetal life and subsequent reprogramming at puberty and pregnancy. Thus, dietary exposure during pregnancy and puberty may play an important role in determining later risk by inducing epigenetic changed that modify vulnerability to breast cancer.
2011, Isoflavones are non-nutritive components of soy responsible for estrogenic responses. There is evidence of potential adverse effects e.g., stimulation of estrogen-dependent mammary tumors and aberrant peri-natal development. Studies of the major soy isoflavone genistein were conducted in pregnant and lactating rats to quantify placental and lactational transfer to plasma and brain to better understand biological effects observed in multi-generational studies. The information derived from these studies also makes it possible to predict internal exposures of children to genistein from soy infant formula.
2002, Frequency of feedings with soy-based milk formulas in early life was significantly higher in children with autoimmune thyroid disease. Inappropriate thyroid hormone levels can also have a devastating effect on the developing human brain especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy when the fetus depends on the mother’s thyroid hormones for brain development.
2010, Serious malformation and a higher abnormal frequency of the central nervous system were induced by the combination of BPA and Genistein. Our findings suggest that genistein is embryotoxic and teratogenic to humans. BPA alone may not be a potential teratogen, but these two estrogenic chemicals have a synergistic effect on emybryonic development when present together during the critical period of major organ formation. Pregnant women should not take soy supplements.
2004, In utero and
lactational exposure to estrogenic agents has been shown to influence
morphological and functional development of reproductive tissues. Experiments demonstrate that developmental
exposure to dietary isoflavones, at levels comparable to the ranges of human
exposure, modify expression of the estrogen-regulated progesterone receptor
(PR) in the uterus of sexually mature rats weeks after exposure ended. Since the PR is essential for regulating key
female reproductive processes, such as uterine proliferation, implantation, and
maintenance of pregnancy, its increased expression suggests that soy
phytoestrogen exposure during reproductive development may have long-term
reproductive consequences.
Breast Feeding (Lactational)
Transfer Of Soy Toxins to Infants:
2005, Although
circulating isoflavone levels are highest among infants consuming soy formula,
the fraction of bioavailable isoflavones may be higher in breast-fed infants
with mothers who regularly consume soy. Both
phytoestrogens and synthetic endocrine disruptors have been found to impair
similar reproductive and neuroendocrine endpoints, including sexual
differentiation and maturation, fertility, malformation of the genital tract,
and sexual behavior suggesting that they have similar mechanisms of
action. Indeed both can act as either
estrogen agonists or antagonists, depending upon dose, timing of exposure,
tissue type, gender, and species. (Exert
from, Endocrine Disruptors, Effects on male and Female Reproductive Systems,
Second Edition, by Rajesh K. Naz).
2007, Institute of Food Safety, China. Effects of lactational exposure to soy isoflavones on ovary development in neonate rats. Lactational exposure to soy isoflavones induced adverse effects on ovary development in neonate rats, which mechanisms may, at least, particularly involve the modification of mRNA transcription for estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor.
2008, Lactational exposure to soy could result in estrogen-like actions on female reproductive system
2008, Genistein passed from the lactating mother to the suckling offspring at levels sufficient to activate gene expression in the reproductive and nonreproductive tissues of mouse pups. In the liver, Estrogen Receptor-alpha and ER-beta messengers RNA and two target genes, CYP17 and the progesterone receptor were modulated by soy genistein. ER-alpha protein level followed an opposite regulation by genistein and estradiol.
2010, Teratogenic effects and fetal toxicity of environmental estrogenic endocrine disruptors have become a great concern in recent years. Combination bisphenal A (BPA) and Genistein on rat embryos are investigated. Both BPA and Genistein produced concentration-dependent inhibition of embryonic development. Analyses reveal a significant synergistic interaction between BPA and Genistein for most end points, as indicated by enhanced developmental toxicity of BPA after coexposure with Genistein. Serious malformations and higher abnormal frequency of the central nervous system were induced by the combination BPA and Genistein. Findings suggest that Genistein may be embryotoxic and teratogenic to humans. These two estrogenic chemicals have a synergistic effect on embryonic development. Pregnant women should not take soy supplements.
Soy Infant Formulas Cause Severe Adverse Effects:
1998, Exposure to
estrogenic compound may pose a developmental hazard to infants. Phytoestrogen content of soy infant formulas
were 87+/-3 and 49+/-2 microg/g. The
phytoestrogen content of cereals varied with brain, with genistein ranging from
3 to 287 microg/g and daidzein from 2-276microg/g. Supplementing the diet of 4-month old infants
with a single daily serving of cereal can increase their isoflavone intake by
over 25% depending on the brain chosen.
This rate of soy isoflavone intake is much greater than that shown in adult
humans to alter reproductive hormones. Available
evidence suggests that infants can digest and absorb dietary phytoestrogens in
active forms and neonates are generally more susceptible than adults to
perturbations of the sex steroid milieu, it would desirable to study the
effects of soy isoflavone on steroid-dependent developmental processes in human
2001, FDA NIEHS, The developing fetus is uniquely sensitive to perturbations with estrogenic chemicals. DES is the classic example. Phytoestrogen use in nutritional and pharmaceutical applications for infants and children is increasing. We investigated the carcinogenic potential of genistein, a naturally occurring plant estrogen in soy. At 18 months (mice study) the incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma was 35% for genistein and 31% for DES. Data suggest that genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of differentiation. Use of soy –bead infant formulas in the absence of medical necessity and the marketing of soy products that appeal to children should be closely examined.
2007, FDA, NIEHS report; Soy genistein causes deleterious effects on the developing female reproductive system in adulthood. Altered ovarian differentiation, disrupted ovarian function and estrous cyclicity caused by neonatal exposure, reduced fertility altered mammary gland and behavioral endpoints. Further trangenerational effects were observed in neonatal treatment with genistein at environmentally relevant doses caused adverse consequences on female mice development which is manifested in adulthood. Feeding genistein found in soy formula are similar to those obtained from injecting genistein in mice.
2011, Compared with girls fed non-soy-based infant formula, soy-fed girls were at 25% higher risk of early menarche throughout the course of follow-up. ….observable manifestation of mild endocrine-disrupting effects of soy isoflavone exposure.
2010, Soy-based infant formula contain high levels of the estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to “concern” that neonatal genistein exposure could cause acute and/or long-term adverse effects on reproductive and other organs. Neonatal genistein treatment caused increased relative uterine weight, down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterine epithelia, genistein was also seen in the neonatal ovary, and thymus, which had an increase in the incidence of multioocyte follicles (MOF) and decrease in thymic weight. Increased MOF’s persisted into adulthood in neonatally treated genistein females.
2009, French Warn: soy products, in any amount should not be eaten by children under 3 years of age, or women who have breast cancer or at risk of the disease. Israeli Health Ministry: Issued public warning on soy, suggesting soy consumption be limited in young children and avoided if possible in infants. Germany reports: there is a lack of evidence to confirm the safety of soy isoflavone supplements.
2009, FDA NIEHS, Developmental exposure to environmental estrogens is associated with adverse consequences later in life. Exposure to genistein, the gylcosylated for of the phytoestrogen genistein found in soy products is of “concern” because U.S. infants are fed soy formula. Exposure to genistein during neonatal life adversely affects the female reproductive system.
2008, One of eight infants during the first 6 months of life given soy formula may be at risk for brain and behavioral disorders not evident until adolescence, a charge denied by the soy industry.
2010, Soy As An Endocrine Disruptor: Cause For Caution: Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs_ alter the function of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse health effects. Phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds abundantly found in soy and soy products, behave as weak estrogen mimics or as anti-estrogen. They are considered to be EDCs. Supporting evidence that consumption of phytoestrogens is beneficial is indirect and inconsistent. Lifetime exposure to estrogenic substances, especially during critical periods of development, has been associated with formation of malignancies and several anomalies of the reproductive systems. Phytoestrogen consumption in infants, through soy-based formulas is of particular concern. Possible adverse effects should not be taken lightly.
2001 Studies show that soybean-based formulas contain large quantities of phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones. Because of experimental data suggesting a possible deleterious effect of phytoestrogens on the neuro-endocrine maturation, the reduction of soy content in formulas must be considered.
2010 Uterine fibroids are the most common pelvic tumors in U.S. women as well as the most common cause for hysterectomy. The results showed an association between early fibroid diagnosis and having been fed soy formula during infancy.
2009 Bulletin of Academy of National Medicine. Infant Nutrition Nutritional quality during the first weeks of life can influence health during both infancy and adulthood. Exclusive long-term breast feeding is strongly recommended….Soy-based formulas are not recommended for healthy infants.
2010 Soy isoflavones,
genistein and daidzein are widely consumed with evidence for potential adverse
effects. Study results show that soy
protein isolate is an efficient isoflavone delivery vehicle capable of
providing significant proportions of the total dose into the circulation in the
active aglycone form for distribution to hormone receptor-bearing tissues and
subsequent pharmacological effects that determine possible health risks.
2011, Compared with girls fed non-soy-based infant formula or milk formula, early soy-fed girls were at 25% higher risk of menarche. Results also suggest that girls fed soy products in early infancy may have an increase risk of menarche specifically in early adolescence and may be the manifestation of mild endocrine disrupting effects o f soy isoflavone exposure. This soy formula association with menarche warrants more in-depth evaluation.
2003, Soy infant formula and phytoestrogens: Soy infant formula contains high levels of the isoflavones, genistein and daidzein which are referred to as phytoestrogens, and are structurally similar to estrogen. Infants consuming soy have high levels of circulating isoflavones, grater than the levels of isoflavones which have been shown to produce physiological effects in adult women consuming a high soy diet. Most would argue for a “precautionary approach to be taken where there are potential developmental effects from the consumption of pharmacologically active compounds.”
2010- Acute and Chronic Effects of soy…raise concerns that high genistein are estrogenic and impact development of human infants fed soy formula.
2002, Early soy exposure
causes long lasting adverse effects later in life:
2006, Estrogen regulates thymic development and immune function. Genistein administration to mice that produced serum genistein concentrations similar to those reported in human infants consuming soy formula and had demonstrable effects. Genistein had similar effects on many estradiol target genes, affecting genes involved in transcription, apoptosis, cell cycle and thymic development and function.
2010 NIEHS study: Acute and Chronic effects of soy genistein in neonatal mice… Immediate and long-term effects raise concerns that genistein are estrogenic and impact development of human infants fed soy formula. Increase uterine weight down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterus, neonatal ovary and thymus decrease thymic weight…genistein are estrogenic and impact human infants fed soy formula.
2010, Soy-based infant formula contain high levels of the estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to “concern” that neonatal genistein exposure could cause acute and/or long-term adverse effects on reproductive and other organs. Neonatal genistein treatment caused increased relative uterine weight, down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterine epithelia, genistein was also seen in the neonatal ovary, and thymus, which had an increase in the incidence of multioocyte follicles (MOF) and decrease in thymic weight. Increased MOF’s persisted into adulthood in neonatally treated genistein females.
2005, In summary, neonatal treatment with genistein caused abnormal estrous cycles, altered ovarian function, early reproductive senescence, and subfertility/infertility at environmentally relevant doses.
2004, Trypsin inhibitors interfere with protein digestion, cause pancreatic disorders and act as a growth inhibitor. All of this is found in soy infant formula. Hemaglutinin, a clot-causing agent that is dangerous for those with heart disease. The phytic acid content in soybeans is highest of all grains or legumes. Phytic acid can cause mineral deficiencies in iron, copper, zinc, calcium, and magnesium. Zinc is essential for growth of the nervous system and is called the intelligence mineral. Soy is known goitrogen that may cause hypothyroidism, by causing damage to enzymes that produce thyroid hormones. Iodine is blocked with is essential for proper thyroid function. Aluminum content in soy is about 10 times higher than milk, and can directly damage the infant’s brain, as the blood-brain barrier has not been formed. In 1913 the USDA classified soy not as a food but as an industrial product. Why has a product that has only been given GRAS standards for industrial use become a major component of 60% of our supermarket foods? Have we made corporate profits and conveniences more important than health?
2005, Total isoflavone content in soy infant formula varies widely, but in general is quite high with as much as 122ug genistein and 77ug daidzein per gram of formula. This translates to a daily intake of approximately 6-9 mg/kg body weight per day, which is 4-7 times higher than the amounts regularly consumed by adults meeting the FDA guidelines for soy consumption. Infants fed soy formula have circulating phytoestrogen concentrations of approximately 13,000 to 22,000times higher than endogenous estrogens, or levels high enough to produce many of the physiological effects discussed in this chapter. Although circulating isoflavone levels are highest among infants consuming soy formula, the fraction of bioavailable isoflavones may be higher in breast-fed infants with mothers who regularly consume soy. Both phytoestrogens and synthetic endocrine disruptors have been found to impair similar reproductive and neuroendocrine endpoints, including sexual differentiation and maturation, fertility, malformation of the genital tract, and sexual behavior suggesting that they have similar mechanisms of action. Indeed both can act as either estrogen agonists or antagonists, depending upon dose, timing of exposure, tissue type, gender, and species. (Exert from, Endocrine Disruptors, Effects on male and Female Reproductive Systems, Second Edition, by Rajesh K. Naz).
2010, Soy isoflavone, genistein and daidzein, are widely consumed in soy-based foods, evidence for potential adverse effects has been obtained from experimental animal studies. These results show that soy protein isolate (used in soy infant formula) is an efficient isoflavone delivery vehicle capable of providing significant proportions of the total dose into the circulation in the active aglycone form for distribution to receptor-bearing tissues and subsequent pharmacological effects that determine possible health risks.
New Zealand speaks out against soy formula as serious risks are caused by soy
endocrine disruptors.
BPA and Soy Combination = Toxic Cocktail:
2011, Bisphenol A
(BPA) and Genistein, the predominant component of soy products are both known
environmental estrogens. We investigated
the developmental toxicity of BPA and Genistein and their combined effects.
Genistein as a teratogen was solid… The combined effect of BPA and Genistein
was generally additive action…
1997, In addition to exposure to man-made chemicals (pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, phenolic compounds, phthalate esters, and organochlorine), the consumption of plant-derived estrogens in foodstuffs poses a potential risk to human health as phytoestrogens are more potent estrogens and their intake by some infants is likely to be considerable.
2010, Serious malformation and a higher abnormal frequency of the central nervous system were induced by the combination of BPA and Genistein. Our findings suggest that genistein is embryotoxic and teratogenic to humans. BPA alone may not be a potential teratogen, but these two estrogenic chemicals have a synergistic effect on emybryonic development when present together during the critical period of major organ formation. Pregnant women should not take soy supplements.
2007, NIEH study: We further demonstrated that neonatal exposure to the endocrine active compounds (EAC’s) genistein and Bisphenol-A (BPA) can affect sexually dimorphic brain morphology and neuronal phenotypes in adulthood with regional and cellular specificity. Developmental EAC exposure has been shown to affect a variety of sexually dimorphic behaviors including reproductive behavior. Maladaptive behavior could translate to decreased fitness of entire populations.
Soy-Damage Caused To
Reproductive Organs….Male
2011, Genistein
impairs early testosterone production via estrogen receptor alpha. It is well
known that genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans and soy products, mimics
the actions of estrogens and that fetal testis is responsive to estrogens. Genistein inhibits testosterone secretion by
fetal Leydig cells in mice during early fetal development within the “masculinization
programming window.” Results suggest
that fetal exposure to phytoestrogens can affect the development and function
of the male reproductive system.
2011, Soy isoflavones induced changes in the morphology of seminiferous epithelium of rat testes. Estradiol levels of rats receiving phytoestrogen were significantly higher than control group. Testosterone levels were significantly lower.
2010, Soy genistein and daidzein have the capacity to bind estrogen receptors and affect gene expression. Increasing use of soy–based products has raised concerns about the potential of these products to cause reproductive toxicity. Isoflavones have the capacity to act directly as mitogens in Leydig cells, inducing Leydig cell division. Perinatal exposures of male rats to soy isoflavones affected Leydig cell differentiation, and they imply that including soy products in the diets of neonates has potential implications for testis function.
2007, In the high phytoestrogen fed group, sperm counts were significantly decreased. Exposure to adult male rat to a high phytoestrogen diet disrupts spermatogenesis…likely due to disruption of estrogen’s actions in the testis.
2001, Little is know about the influence of phytoestrogens (estrogen-like) molecules on brain. We found that dietary phytoestrogens: significantly decrease body and prostate weights and significantly change sexually dimorphic brain region (AVPV) in male rats. Influence of significant concentrations of phytoestrogen on brain structure should be considered.
2005, Phytoestrogens, derived from plants, (especially soy products), are molecules structurally and functionally similar to estradiol. In summary consumption of dietary phytoestrogens (estrogen mimics) can alter hormone-sensitive hypothalamic brain sexually dimorphic brain volumes in (male and female) rodents during adulthood.
2008, Endocrine
disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these
compounds may induce deleterious effects including functional alterations that
contribute to decreased reproduction and fitness. The EDCs examined included estradiol,
androgen active compounds, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. All EDCs impaired reproduction. Male sexual behavior proved to be a sensitive
index of EDC exposure and embryonic exposure to a variety of EDCs consistently
resulted in impaired male sexual behavior.
2012, Exposure to soy isoflavones (estrogenic agents) caused a decrease in testosterone production in Leydig cells and contributes to deficiencies in reproductive capacity.
2000, National Center for Toxicological Research Developmental neurotoxicity of endocrine disruptors: focus on estrogens. Need for assessing the neurotoxicity of these compounds following developmental exposure. Attention comes from literature on the effects of developmental exposure to exogenous estrogen on later behavioral and neuropathiological alterations. Ongoing studies at NCTR on four such estrogen mimics; Soy genistein, methoxychlor, nonylphenol and ethinyl estradiol. Volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the medial preoptic area was reduced by genistein….”
1998, Phytoestrogens have estrogenic and/or anti-estrogenic activity. Evidence from studies of various animal species has demonstrated that ingestion of high levels of phytoestrogens can produce adverse effects on reproductive endpoints including fertility. Studies in animals also show that exposure to high doses of phytoestrogens during development can adversely affect brain differentiation and reproductive development in rodents. In humans, high doses of phytoestrogens in infants should be addressed as a matter of priority so that any risks can be established.
Soy phytoestrogens or isoflavones have been definitely shown to depress thyroid function and to cause infertility in every animal species studies so far. Soy isoflavone can act like estrogen, stimulating development and maintenance of female characteristic or block cells from using cousins of estrogen. In vitro studies have proven genistein to induce apoptosis of testicular cells at certain levels, thus raising concerns about effects it could have on male fertility.
2004, Results demonstrate that rats fed a mixture of dietary soy isoflavones showed significantly altered testicular microsomal steroidogenic enzyme activity profiles during development at Post-Natal Day 28 as a result of early exposure to isoflavones at levels obtainable by humans.
2004, Soy Isoflavones are known endocrine disruptors. Isoflavones genistein and daidzein have similar molecular weights and structural characteristics to that of 17-beta estradiol, exert estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties. Major source of endocrine disrupting substances soy derived isoflavones are most abundant and most studied are known endocrine disruptors. Daidzein can be further metabolized to the potent and abundant molecule equol that has the unique ability to specifically bind 5 alpha-dihydro-testosterone, and to act in turn to inhibit the action of this potent androgen.
2008, The isoflavone genistein is the most estrogenically active molecule present in soy. Results show that genistein through an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated action, affects reproductive and nonreproductive organs, modulates gene expression in the whole body of male mice in a dose-and time-dependent manner, at all developmental ages.
Associated with lower sperm concentration
2010, Soy genistein inhibits 3beta-HSD activity convert cholesterol into testosterone. www.ncbi.nlm,
2010, Soy and soy-based products are widely consumed by infants and adult individuals. These studies show that long-term exposure to dietary soy and phytoestrogens may affect male reproductive function resulting in a decrease in sperm count and fertility.
2001, Soy Alters Testicular activity at levels obtainable by humans
Soy is reproductive endocrine disruptor: decreased male fertility
2005, Soy isoflavones are estrogen mimics that bind estrogen receptors and limited data exists regarding the influence of soy-derived dietary isoflavones in the brain. When animals were switched from phytoestrogen-rich diet volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area was decreased in males.
2005, Dietary estrogens, soy, and male fertility causes “estrogenic insult”
2008 Soy case of gynecomastia associated with soy product consumption
2011. A number of reports demonstrate adverse effects of soy isoflavones due to their estrogen-like properties has increased. Loss of libido and erectile dysfunction is associated with soy product consumption. This case emphasized the impact of soy isoflavones in the regulation of sex hormone and associated physical alterations.
2011, The increasing incidence of hypospadias is partly attributed to increased gestational exposure to endocrine disruptors. Gestational exposure to genistein altered the urethral expression of 277 genes. Among the most affected were hormonally regulated genes. Genistein affected tyrosine kinase receptors. Gestational exposure to genistein contributes to hypospadias by altering pathways of tissue morphogenesis, cell proliferation and cell survival.
Soy Damage to Female Reproductive System:
2009, Genistein, a natural isoflavone compound
found in soy products affects diverse cell functions, including proliferation,
differentiation and cell death. An
earlier study by our group showed that genistein has cytotoxic effects on mouse
blastocysts and is associated with defects in their subsequent development in
vitro. In this study genistein induced a
significant reduction in the rate of oocyte maturation, fertilization, and in
vitro embryo development. Genistein
decreased placental and fetal weights.
With aid of in vivo mouse model we showed that consumption of drinking
water containing genistein led to decreased oocyte maturation and in vitro
fertilization, as well as early embryonic developmental injury. Our findings support inhibition of retinoic
acid receptors in blastocysts treated with genistein during oocyte
2005, FDA NIEHS study: In summary, neonatal treatment of mice with genistein caused abnormal estrous cycles, altered ovarian function, early reproductive senescence, and subfertility/infertility at environmentally relevant doses.
1993, Estrogen exposure during critical periods of development promotes androgenization of the brain which is reflected in altered morphology, behavior, and cyclic hormone secretion in females. There is dose-response characteristics of neonatal exposure to the isoflavonoid phytoestrogen genistein on pituitary sensitivity to gonadotropin release in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in female rats. Results confirm that low doses of genistein have nonandrogenizing, pituitary-sensitizing effects, while higher doses of genistein mimic the more typical effects of estrogens. Morphologic and physiologic endpoints more completely defines the reproductive consequences of environmental (soy isoflavone genistein) estrogen exposure during critical periods of central nervous system development.
2011, Developmental exposure to estrogenic compounds can disrupt sexual differentiation and adult reproductive function in many animals including humans. Phytoestrogens in the diet comprise a significant source of estrogenic exposure to humans, particularly infants who are fed soy-based infant formula. Rodent models have used various dosing strategies to mimic the phytoestrogen levels in human populations. Studies clearly demonstrate that environmentally relevant doses of genistein have significant negative impact on ovarian differentiation, estrous cyclicity and fertility in the rodent model. Additional studies of reproductive function in humans exposed to high levels of soy phytoestrogens during development are warranted.
2009, Genistein at 500ppm and ethinyl estradiol (prescribed estrogen drug) produced similar effects in continuously exposed rats, including decreased body weights, accelerated vaginal opening, and altered estrogen cycles in young animals. These compound-specific effects appeared to be enhanced in the offspring of prior exposed generations.
2008, Disruption of female reproductive physiology following neo-natal exposure to soy phytoestrogens is associated with decreased GnRH activation and kisspeptin fiber density in the hypothalamus compared to control groups. The anteroventral periventricular (AVPV), Kisspeptin fiber density was significantly lower in the estradiol benzoate and Genistein groups, a known mechanism by which these endocrine disrupting compounds can impair female reproductive function.
2009, FDA, NIEHS report: Oral exposure to genistin…form of soy genistein during neonatal life adversely affects the female reproductive system. Developmental exposure to estrogens is associate with adverse consequences later in life; ovarian, vaginal opening, abnormal estrous, decreased fertility, delayed parturition.
2009, Adverse transfer through generations: Exposure to Genistein at 500ppm and ethinyl estradiol at 50ppb produced similar effects in continuously exposed rats, including decreased body weights, accelerated vaginal opening and altered estrous cycles in young animals. …a reduction in litter size was evidence in genistein-treated animals. These compound-specific effects appeared to be enhanced in the offspring of prior exposed generations.
Soy adverse effects on female development on reproduction following neonatal soy exposure NIEHS report. Altered ovarian function early reproductive senescence, and infertility at relevant doses, pregnancy was not maintained.
2006, FDA, NIEHS report, Soy genistein during development alters ovarian differentiation inhibiting oocyte next breakdown…..
2002, FDA, NIEHS report: Neonatal exposure to genistein demonstrate alterations in ovary….warrant further soy-based food investigations.2002.
2007, Disruption of female reproductive system by soy phytoestrogen genistein in adulthood.
2008, Infant girls fed soy show reestrogenization at 6 months. Examination of infants for plausible effects of estrogens is valid and repeatable /18335112
2009, Neonatal exposure to soy genistein disrupts ability of female mouse to support embryo implantation = reproductive failure.
2007, FDA, NIEHS report; Soy genistein causes deleterious effects on the developing female reproductive system in adulthood. Altered ovarian differentiation, disrupted ovarian function and estrous cyclicity caused by neonatal exposure, reduced fertility altered mammary gland and behavioral endpoints. Further trangenerational effects were observed in neonatal treatment with genistein at environmentally relevant doses caused adverse consequences on female mice development which is manifested in adulthood. Feeding genistein found in soy formula are similar to those obtained from injecting genistein in mice.
2009 Basal and gonadotropin-stimulated P(4) secretion were inhibited in granulose cells cultured in presence of daidzein (soy) phytoestrogen. Expression of ER alpha and ER beta mRNA, as well as ERbeta protein, was up-regulated by daidzein. Daidzein actions suggest disadvantageous effects of the phytoestrogen on reproductive processes in females.
2010, Soy-based infant formula contain high levels of the estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to “concern” that neonatal genistein exposure could cause acute and/or long-term adverse effects on reproductive and other organs. Neonatal genistein treatment caused increased relative uterine weight, down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterine epithelia, genistein was also seen in the neonatal ovary, and thymus, which had an increase in the incidence of multioocyte follicles (MOF) and decrease in thymic weight. Increased MOF’s persisted into adulthood in neonatally treated genistein females.
Evidence That Soy-Causes CANCERS, and Cancer Proliferation:
Soy-Cause of Multiple Cancers:
2004, Soy
isoflavones, genistein and daidzein induces cell proliferation and their
metabolites cause oxidative DNA damage which plays a role in isoflavone-induced
cancer. Oxidative DNA damage by isoflavone metabolites plays a role in tumor
initiation and that cell proliferation by soy isoflavones via estrogen
receptors or estrogen response element binding induces tumor promotion and/or
progression, resulting in cancer of estrogen-sensitive organs.
2010, Leukemia: Soy-Cause of Infant Leukemia:
Soy is a topoisomerase inhibitor that
interferes with the action of essential topoisomerase enzymes. Topoisomerase enzymes control the changes in
DNA structure by catalyzing the breaking and rejoining of the phosphodiester
backbone of DNA strands during the normal cell cycle. Topoisomerase inhibitors
block the ligation step of the cell cycle, generating single and double
stranded breaks that harm the integrity of the genome. Soy genistein possess
strong topoisomerase inhibitory properties that cause DNA damaging properties,
causing carcinogenicity especially in fetus and neonates who do not detoxify
the compounds sufficiently.
2010, High levels of maternal soy consumption during pregnancy have been linked to infant leukemia
2008, Timing of phytoestrogen use is important. Recent studies have indicated that soy phytoestrogens could be contributive factors in some forms of breast cancer, penile birth defects, and infantile leukemia. Genistein might increase the risk of leukemia because it inhibits the enzyme topoisomerase which result in double strand DNA breaks which are mutagenic. Genistein may not be safe for women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Soy’s phytoestrogens or isoflavones have been definitely shown to depress thyroid function and to cause infertility in every animal species studies so far. Soy isoflavone can act like estrogen, stimulating development and maintenance of female characteristic or block cells from using cousins of estrogen.
2002, National Cancer Institute: There remains a mechanistic concern associated with the ability of soy isoflavones (i.e., genistein) to inhibit topoisomerase, possibly leading to DNA strand breaks, Mouse lymphoma cell mutagenesis experiments conducted with and without metabolic activation revealed statistically significant increases in mutation frequency with investigational soy isoflavone drug product concentrations; such increases were dose related and increases in the frequency of both small and large colonies were observed. In similar experiments there were statistically significant increases in revertants (mutant change in DNA). Statistically significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes was also seen 24 hours after treatment. The apparent risk of isoflavone ingestion may ultimately depend on the dose and developmental timing of exposure.
Soy is in fact an established number one inhibitor of topoisomerase II.
1998, Maternal Diet
and infant Leukemia: A Role for DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors caused to fetus
in utero: 10 fold increase risk of infant acute myeloid leukemia with increased
maternal consumption of DNA topo-2 inhibitor containing foods.
2002, Dietary topoisomerase II-poisons: contribution of soy products to infant leukemia- DNA topoisomerase are nuclear enzymes inducing transient breaks in the DNA allowing DNA strands to pass through each other. Maternal exposure to low doses of dietary topoisomerase II poisons, including genistein may contributes to development of infant leukemia. (Vol 1)
2007. Study demonstrates that biologically relevant concentrations of soy genistein flavonoids can induce abnormalities in mixed-linage leukemia. Particularly alarming knowing mother’s metabolism can lead to higher flavonoid concentration on fetal side, raises public awareness of necessity to set guidelines for marketing flavonoid supplements to reduce risk of infant leukemia.
2011, Isoflavone research revealed adverse effects on reproductive system. This is also the case with tumor-promoting effects on breast tissue. Questions about the effectiveness and safety of isoflavones have to be clarified. There are concerns about the maternal consumption of isoflavones due to the development of leukemia in infants.
1998, Phytoestrogen genistein is an isoflavone found in soy products. Genistein is a competitive inhibitor of tyrosine kinases and the DNA synthesis related enzyme, topoisomerase-II. Exposure of mammalian cells to genistein results in DNA damage that is similar to that induced by the topoisomerase-II inhibitor and chromosomal mutagen, m-amsa. Our results may be interpreted that genistein is a chromosomal mutagen.
2006, Concern has been raised about potential adverse effects due to estrogenic and other activities of the soy isoflavones. In the mouse lymphoma assay, genistein induced an increase of predominately small colonies indicating that genistein acts as a clastogen (material that can cause breaks in chromosomes, leading to sections of the chromosome being deleted, added, or rearranged. A mutagen that can lead to carcinogenesis). This observation is in agreement with published data on the inhibitory action of genistein on topoisomerase II, which is known to lead to chromosomal damage with a threshold dose response.
Soy Cause Bladder Cancer:
2002, Dietary soy and
increased risk of bladder cancer. USC
Study. The soyfood-bladder cancer risk association did not differ significantly
between men and women and was not explained by other dietary factors. The
soy-cancer relationship became stronger when the analysis was restricted to
subjects with longer (> or =3 years) duration of follow-up. To our
knowledge, this is the first epidemiological report on the effect of dietary
soy on bladder cancer risk.
Soy Cause Colon Cancer, Gastric Cancer, & Intestinal Tumorigenesis:
2005, Soy increases colon
epithelial cell proliferation measures in the sigmoid colon a common location
of colon cancer. In the cecum and
sigmoid colon the proliferation count increased as the serum (soy) genistein
concentration increased. Cells that
multiply indiscriminately can encourage the cause of colon cancer.
2007, Soy isoflavone genistein can affect cell metabolism by specifically inhibiting protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and/or interacting with the estrogen receptors (ERs). Synthesis of GAGs/PGs (glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycans by colon cancer cell line HT-29 cells in the presence of genistein was dependent on their type and localization which implies the active participation of the PTK interaction with ERs, which was further supported by the observed growth stimulation at low concentrations of genistein.
2007, Maternal consumption to soy protein isolates increased the percentage of animals bearing multiple colon tumors. IGF-1 was elevated in soy protein isolate during pregnancy and casein-fed group thereafter. Elevated levels of insulin or IGF-1 are associated with increased colorectal cancer risk in humans and rodents.
In summary, dietary
exposure to a soy protein-based diet during pregnancy followed by the switch to
casein at delivery increased colon tumor multiplicity (a measure of tumor
promotion) in the male progeny as later adults.
The present results raise the possibility that colon cancer, which
conventionally is considered to be a cancer of the elderly, may be influenced
by dietary/metabolic perturbations or programming occurring during development.
2012, Soy food which is rich in isoflavones are structurally similar to 17 B-estradiol. We found an increasing trend in risk of gastric cancer associated with higher isoflavone intake among female hormone drug users.
2008, ….genistein in the diet enhanced intestinal tumorigenesis in male mice. This study demonstrates that although genistein can enhance EGCG (antioxidant found in teas and many supplements) bioavailability this combination enhances intestinal tumorigenesis in male mice.
2007, Several adverse effects of soy supplementation in female rats were observed. 5 of 21 rats fed soy supplement died before the end of the experiment while all animals on the control diet survived. Density of normal crypts lining the colonic mucosa was reduced, indicating gastrointestinal damage. Uterine weights, serum estradiol and serum isoflavone levels were increased in soy-supplemented diets. These adverse effects of soy isoflavones need further examination in target population of consumption of soy supplements.
Soy-Cause of Pancreatic Cancer:
1986, Animal studies have indicated a link between pancreatic cancer and high fat and/or high protein diets as well as raw soybean consumption. Nitrosamines may also be related to pancreatic cancer. (Soy contains nitrosamines).
1991 FDA, CFSAN report: Chronic feeding of soy trypsin inhibitors can cause hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pancreas and lead to adenomas and carcinomas of the exocrine pancreas.
1994, Soy cause of pancreatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia. Antinutritional components inhibit growth goitrogens, phytoestrogens, and saponins, lysinoalanine cause damage to kidneys, and allergenic response in humans.
1995, Pancreatic Cancer:
Neoplastic nodules including carcinomas. Any possible adverse effects may
result from phytic acid and saponins in soybeans
1989, Pancreatic Cancer: USDA study proliferative pancreatic lesions
1962, Toxic Factors In Edible Legumes and Their Elimination: best known of the anti-nutritional factors causing nutritional stress due to toxic components found in soybeans is trypsin inhibitors that inhibit growth. Recent evidence implicates pancreatic hypertrophy as one of the main physiologic responses to trypsin inhibitors. Many legumes such as soy contain hemagglutinins also inhibit growth. Other toxic components in soybeans include goiterogenic factors, cyanogenetic glucosides, saponins and alkaloids.
Soy Increases Risk of Breast Cancer in Males and Females:
1998, High maternal
estrogen exposure during pregnancy increases breast cancer risk among daughters.
2007, Increased
incidence of hyperplasia of the mammary gland and calcification of renal
tubules were observed in continuously exposed 100 and 500 ppm males, with a
weaker induction of male mammary gland hyperplasia in 500 ppm males exposed
only as adults or exposed only in utero and through lactation. Mammary lesions varied with sex and
regimen. The relevance of the adverse
effects observed here to human phytoestrogen exposures requires further study. (www not found. Article: “Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of
Phytoestrogens.” Source: Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2007
May;79(5):402. KB Delclos, CC Weis, RR
1999, Maternal exposure to genistein can increase mammary tumorigenesis in offspring, mimicking the effects of in utero estrogenic exposure…increasing susceptibility.
2000, Perinatal
exposure on induced mammary carcinoma….5mg genistein in utero did increase
number of mammary cancer lesions…perinatal genistein is an endocrine disruptor
and increases multiplicity of induced mammary carcinoma in rats
2008, NIH, National Toxicology Program report: (Soy) Genistein is a naturally occurring isoflavone that interacts with estrogen receptors and multiple other molecular targets. “Concerns” have been raised regarding potential adverse effects of genistein, particularly with regard to reproductive toxicity and the induction of potentiation of carcinogenesis due primarily to its weak estrogenic activity. There is also minimal transfer of genistein to rat pups via the dams’milk. In soy group there were significant effects on the onset of aberrant estrous cycles. Pituitary gland weights were significantly increased. There was a significant positive trend in the incidences of mammary gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma. There were positive trends in the incidences of adenoma or carcinoma in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland of females in males a significant positive trend occurred in incidences of combined adenoma or carcinoma of the pancreatic islets. There was some evidence of carcinogenic activity of genistein in female rats based on increased incidences of mammary gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma and pituitary gland neoplasms. The effects of genistein on common hormonally related spontaneous neoplasms of female rats are consistent with an estrogenic mechanism of toxicity.
2004, DNA damage by isoflavone metabolites plays a role in tumor initiation and that cell proliferation by isoflavones via estrogen receptors induces tumor promotion and or progression, resulting in cancer of estrogen-sensitive organs.
2009, NIEHS, Environmental estrogens affect breast development in male rats: Clearest evidence to date: Abnormalities which could have the potential to become cancerous developed in the mammary gland tissue of male rats that were exposed to either the soy-based phytoestrogens genistein or ethinyl estradiol- an estrogen used in birth control pills. Findings support a growing concern that exposure to low levels of estrogen….might increase the risk of breast cancer. Genistein and ethinyl estradiol exposure in multigenerational and chronic studies induce similar proliferative lesions in mammary gland.
2009. Similar across All generations exposed to genistein…..predominant tubuloalveolar growth in females and lobuloalveolar in males. Hyperplasia in male rats was similar induced by genistein or ethinyl estradiol…substantiate previous reports that mammary gland hyperplasia in the male rat is most sensitive markers for estrogenic endocrine disruption.
1998, Phytoestrogen genistein is an isoflavone found in soy products. Genistein is a competitive inhibitor of tyrosine kinases and the DNA synthesis related enzyme, topoisomerase-II. Exposure of mammalian cells to genistein results in DNA damage that is similar to that induced by the topoisomerase-II inhibitor and chromosomal mutagen, m-amsa. Our results may be interpreted that genistein is a chromosomal mutagen.
Soy Hormone Disruptors Proliferate Breast Cancer Cells:
2006, Journal
National Cancer Institute: Chemical structure of isoflavones is
similar to that of estrogens, and
isoflavones bind to both estrogen receptors ERa and ERb and exert estrogen-like
effects. The main soybean isoflavone
genistin may stimulate the growth of estrogen sensitive tumors. Research recommendation is that the impact of
isoflavones on breast tissue needs to be evaluated at the cellular level in
women at high risk for breast cancer.
2001, Genistein and
daidzein may stimulate existing breast tumor growth and antagonize the effects
of tamoxifen. Women with current or past
breast cancer should be aware of the risk of potential tumor growth whey taking
soy products.
2004, An E-screen assay revealed that genistein and daidzein enhanced proliferation of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer MCF-7 cells.
2009, Nurses should become more knowledgeable about soy foods for women at high risk, or with history of breast cancer should avoid high intake of soy supplements.
2004, Estrogenic properties of soy isoflavones, genistein can stimulate growth of breast cancer.
2004, Genistein, at 1microM, stimulated the growth of MCF-7 cells and insulin-like growth Factor-I receptor pathway is involved in the proliferative effect of low-dose genistein in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
2010, Genistein is a major isoflavone with known hormonal and tyrosine kinase-modulating activities. Genistein has been shown to promote the growth of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells. Breast cancer cells are particularly susceptible to the growth-promoting effects of genistein across a wide range of doses.
2011, We show that genistein can induce estrogen-dependent MCB-7 tumor cell growth and increase breast cancer-associated aromatase expression and activity in vitro. Genistein could negate the growth inhibitory actions of aromatase inhibitor fadrozole (anti-estrogen breast cancer drugs). Increasing risk for adverse interactions with breast cancer treatment is of major concern and should be considered with care.
Soy Blocks Action of Anti-Estrogen Prescribed Breast Cancer Drugs;
2007, Soy drug-like
effects interrupt the actions of pharmaceutical drugs.
2008, Dietary genistein can negate the inhibitory effects of tamoxifen on estrogen-stimulated growth of MCF- 7 breast cancer cells.
2008, Low
concentrations of the soy phytoestrogen genistein induce Proteinase Inhibitor 9
and block killing of breast cancer cells by immune cells. A significant
population consumes levels of genistein in soy products that may be high enough
to induce PI-9, perhaps potentiating the survival of some preexisting breast
cancer by enabling them to evade immunosurveillance.
2008, Genistein, a soy isoflavone, stimulates growth of estrogen-dependent human tumor cells. Anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors are frontline therapies for estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Genistein can reverse the inhibitory effects of anti-estrogen letrozole on tumor growth and adversely impact breast cancer therapy. Caution is warranted for consumption of dietary genistein by women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer taking tumor inhibitors such as letrozole.
2011, Soy genistein
could negate the growth inhibitory actions of aromatase inhibitor fadrozole
(anti-estrogen breast cancer drugs).
Increasing risk for adverse interactions with breast cancer treatment is
of major concern and should be considered with care.
Soy-Cause of Uterine Cancer
2001, FDA NIEHS, The
developing fetus is uniquely sensitive to perturbations with estrogenic
chemicals. DES is the classic
example. Phytoestrogen use in nutritional
and pharmaceutical applications for infants and children is increasing. We investigated the carcinogenic potential of
genistein, a naturally occurring plant estrogen in soy. At 18 months (mice
study) the incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma was 35% for genistein and 31%
for DES. Data suggest that genistein is
carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of
differentiation. Use of soy –bead infant
formulas in the absence of medical necessity and the marketing of soy products
that appeal to children should be closely examined.
2001, Increased uterine cancer seen in mice injected with genistein, as soy estrogens. Newborn mice given genistein developed cancer of the uterus later in life, scientists at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reported today. In the study, published in the June issue of Cancer Research, the scientists treated female mice for five days after birth with genistein, a substance in soy that is similar to the female hormone, estrogen.
2001, Uterine Cancer: (2001) NIEHS: At 18 months, uterine adenocarcinoma was 35% for genistein and 31% for DES…suggest genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of differentiation. Soy based infant formulas…should be closely examined in children.
2004, Soy causes cancer and progression in estrogen sensitive organs….uterus and vulva.
2008, Adverse effects on Uterus…etc. Abnormal pathology in 3 women…all 3 improved after withdrawal of soy. Additional information on phytoestrogen is necessary to ascertain safety.
2007, Long-term high-dose dietary (soy daidzein metabolite) equol exerts uterotropic effects at the cellular and molecular level which question the safety of uncontrolled and unlimited consumption of soy by women with intact uteri.
Soy Increases Risk of Diabetes:
2007, Serum insulin
and leptin concentrations were decreased by lifetime soy protein isolates. (Low
levels of insulin may cause of diabetes type 1.
Leptin is a hormone involved in regulating appetite, body weight, fat
and glucose activity. The absence of leptin leads to uncontrolled food intake
and resulting obesity).
2008, Soy isoflavones may influence insulin action by means of their well-known receptor-mediated estrogenic activity. Isoflavones also bind to peroxisome proliferators-activated receptors that are strongly associated with insulin action.
2007, Results support the hypothesis that diabetes may have a role in the development of breast cancer, influencing risk via both sex hormone and insulin pathways. Our results also show that the diabetes-breast cancer association we observed only in low/intermediate soy consumers.
2004, Soyfood
consumption and development of glycosuria, (glucose in the urine) an important
indicator of diabetes.
2004, Logistic regression analyses showed soy milk formula consumption at 4-6 and 7-12 months of age was associated with a twofold higher risk of type 1 Diabetes.
2011, Indeed, higher soy food intake was associated with a weakly elevated diabetes risk across ethnic groups among Caucasian, Japanese American, and Native Hawaiian men and women.
2000, Twice as many diabetic children had received soy formula in infancy as compared to non-diabetic children.
Migraine Associated With Soy:
2002, This report
describes migraine with visual aura in a man who had introduced soy isoflavone
supplements into his diet 9 months earlier.
His migraine symptoms disappeared after a reduction in the dose of
phytoestrogen compounds.
Soy Food Allergen
May Be Misdiagnosed as SIDS:
2006, FDA Section
201(qq) of the Act 21 defines “major food allergens” as one of eight foods or
food groups milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, wheat and soybeans. As with most common food allergens, allergic
reactions to soy may result in life-threatening symptoms, such as
anaphylaxis. Furthermore, even low
levels of soy protein may cause adverse effects in some sensitive
individuals. FDA considers an “adverse
effect” to be any objective sign of an allergic reaction. Food fillers such as soy lecithin have been
found in some cases to be soy allergens:
2009, Keep in mind that soy is one of the most common allergy-triggering foods, and may trigger symptoms of an allergic response: acne, swelling, stuffy nose, diarrhea, stomach pains, heart palpitations, skin rashes, itching, hives, swelling in the throat, fatigue.
Soybean is considered one of the “big eight” foods that are believe to be
responsible for 90% of all allergenic reactions. Soy allergy is of particular importance,
because soybeans are widely used in processed foods and represent a
particularly insidious source of hidden allergens.
Soy-Cause of Retinal Damage: 2003, Males exposed to soy phytoestrogens had significantly greater retinal thickness. Data suggest that phytoestrogens influences rat retinal characteristics in a more robust manner than females, and that this influence can occur even in adulthood. soy phytoestrogens effects on retinal thickness in rats.
Triglycerides (a type of fat found in blood): Injections of higher doses of soybean
isoflavones, genistein and daidzein in male rats increase triglycerides similar
to that observed after estradiol treatment.
2004, Intestinal Damage A high dose of soy genistein may potentially compromise intestinal growth. Study found at:
Renal Damage; Soy diet exacerbated renal damage significantly exacerbates
the clinical course of this autoimmune disease.
2010, “The pros
and cons of phytoestrogens” NIH,
NIEHS Report:
2008, Soy studies
stating benefits are inconsistent and inadequate
2003, Soy worsens
existing asthma-
2002, Dangers of
Isoflavones in Soy and Soy-based Food: LONG History of Adverse Soy Studies
2003, Weston A. Price
Chronology of Toxic Soy Studies:
The above list of severe and fatal soy adverse health studies are simply a needle in a haystack of the thousands of published studies proving massive soy destruction to health, while without public disclosure. Why the HHS, NIH, FDA, USDA refuse to disclose massive published study evidence proving soy-cause of severe and irreversible diseases, disorders, and fatal health risks as public information we all deserve the right to know!
Question the HHS, NIH, FDA, USDA: "How much longer will our USA health organizations hold out on soy WARNING labels and WITHDRAWAL of toxic soy formulas?
How much longer will our health organizations sacrifice our health without our knowledge?
Most sincerely,
Child Health Advocates
Gail Elbek
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